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Fearonsarms 08-10-2012 03:41 AM


Originally Posted by Bizarre (Post 930843)
Correct me if I'm wrong but this was his plan:

He would organise the brutal murders of some rich, white people in LA and it would be blamed on black people. This would lead to a race war in the USA called "Helter Skelter" and this would be won by the black people. Whilst the war was waged, Manson and his "family" would be hiding out and waiting for it to blow over. They were waiting because Manson thought that although the blacks would win the war they would be totally inexperienced at having power so they would not be capable of running things and would turn to the only white people left to take over...Charles Manson and the "family".

So IIRC...he was a total fucking fruitcake.

And he got that from a Beatles song. The same band that sang "All You Need Is Love".

I blame The Beatles not Manson-they told him to do it through the medium of song :)

Bizarre 08-11-2012 12:30 PM

Edit: Nevermind

wizard of gore 08-25-2012 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Медвежуть (Post 932700)
hehehe:D priceless facial expressions

awsome answer and awsome facials

Fearonsarms 08-26-2012 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by Медвежуть (Post 932700)
hehehe:d priceless facial expressions


Fearonsarms 09-08-2012 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by Медвежуть (Post 932812)
not regarding just this video, but in general after watching a few serial killer interviews..those reporters/journalists usually ask such annoying and stupid kinds of questions that it made me wonder how many of them were actually killed during or right after the interviews.

You've given me an idea-what question would you or anyone ask Manson if given the opportunity? I'd like to know-why doesn't he dye his beard to match his hair-don't they get hair dye in prison?

natthezombabeee 09-08-2012 10:31 PM

I think he was genius. I mean not in a good way. but to be able to manipulate people that way you have to know what you're doing. however. I think that drugs also played a huge part of it. people who are addicted or on drugs do crazy things anyway. he was just in their ear to lead them the wrong way.

Straker 09-09-2012 05:39 AM


Originally Posted by natthezombabeee (Post 933685)
I think he was genius. I mean not in a good way. but to be able to manipulate people that way you have to know what you're doing. however. I think that drugs also played a huge part of it. people who are addicted or on drugs do crazy things anyway. he was just in their ear to lead them the wrong way.

Genius? I gotta be honest, shit like this makes me laugh when people circle jerk retards like Manson and elevate them to some sort of mythical status. How smart do you have to be exactly to manipulate a retard?

Do you honestly think if Manson turned up at your house and tried to 'manipulate' you into killing a few people you'd bite? I know I would call the police and say "hey, I got a spastic in my living room telling me to kill people can you send a car over" I guess that makes me a genius too...

How many prison guards has his managed to manipulate into multiple killings or hell maybe even an escape plan?

The only 'genius' thing about guys like Manson is they target the weak and vulnerable.... We see that in pretty much every animal on the planet, what makes Manson so special?

Dara 09-09-2012 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by natthezombabeee (Post 933685)
I think he was genius. I mean not in a good way. but to be able to manipulate people that way you have to know what you're doing. however. I think that drugs also played a huge part of it. people who are addicted or on drugs do crazy things anyway. he was just in their ear to lead them the wrong way.

Genius?? nah,he was a pyschotic off his head on acid mentalist who was so unhinged others feared him .Thus,he was able to 'manipulate' them to do stuff against their will(but to be honest they too were off their heads on acid but didnt have underlying mental health issues to add to the mix).
Albert Einstein was a genius.As are the people who came up with Pinky and The brain


Straker 09-09-2012 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by Dara (Post 933724)
Genius?? nah,he was a pyschotic off his head on acid mentalist who was so unhinged others feared him .Thus,he was able to 'manipulate' them to do stuff against their will(but to be honest they too were off their heads on acid but didnt have underlying mental health issues to add to the mix).
Albert Einstein was a genius.As are the people who came up with Pinky and The brain



natthezombabeee 09-09-2012 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by Straker (Post 933705)
Genius? I gotta be honest, shit like this makes me laugh when people circle jerk retards like Manson and elevate them to some sort of mythical status. How smart do you have to be exactly to manipulate a retard?

Do you honestly think if Manson turned up at your house and tried to 'manipulate' you into killing a few people you'd bite? I know I would call the police and say "hey, I got a spastic in my living room telling me to kill people can you send a car over" I guess that makes me a genius too...

How many prison guards has his managed to manipulate into multiple killings or hell maybe even an escape plan?

The only 'genius' thing about guys like Manson is they target the weak and vulnerable.... We see that in pretty much every animal on the planet, what makes Manson so special?

his manipulation was a lot deeper then "hey kill those people" it took a while to manipulate these people and a lot of drugs. you have to plant the seed and watch it grow. gain the people's trust. he didn't just manipulate these people into killing he pretty much changed their entire way of thinking. I don't know it's just my personal opinion that if someone I met could slowly work themselves into my head and manipulate and change the way I thought and have me do things like kill people they would have to be smart because I'm not an idiot. I'm sure all the people he manipulated would have blew him off if he flat out was like kill for me. I'm sure they didn't plan on killing anyone either just like me or you wouldnt.

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