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_Leatha_Face_ 11-03-2003 08:18 AM

Goonies. Predator. Halloween, critters, gremlins, chucky, and tales from the crypt it was a show on hbo way back Freddy, but never started watching jason till later hmmm dont knonw y though

ChaoticMinister 11-04-2003 05:13 AM

I'm trying to think of this movie that freaked the hell out of me when I was little... I don't know how old it is though...

What I remember is that there is this little boy in some sort of facility, and he witnesses this dog (perhaps his) going through a machine (perhaps a teleporter) and later finds the dog mangled and disgusting at the bottom of some cell in the building...

It sounds so weird now that I talk about it... but it freaked the hell out of me...




downside 11-04-2003 05:26 AM

Big Trouble in Little China. I loved that.

As far as horror flicks go, the only one I remember watching when I was really young was one called C.H.U.D. Please tell me someone has seen that, or even it's humorous sequel.

Ritualistic 11-04-2003 05:20 PM

Gremlins, The Goonies, Labrinyth, Mother`s Day, Sleepaway camp, Scream for Help, Killer Party, My bloody valentine, April Fool`s Day, Friday the 13th part III, etc... These are movies I worn the hell out of. I would get my mother to make copies of them because I would wear them out.

Zamual 11-06-2003 01:11 PM

Eh mostly stuff like House, Fright Night, Critters, Ghoulies, Etc, Etc...

When I was little in school I always said I wanted to grow up to be Freddy. I was a sick child.

moonsorrow 11-06-2003 01:19 PM

evil dead, nightmare on elm street, friday the 13th, and of course all the arnold movies! i keep wondering how it is to live in california these days with the governator governating it...

Killer Clown#1 11-06-2003 01:53 PM

I can't belive I forgot Killer Klowns from Outer space.:eek:

dethbyfire 11-06-2003 02:07 PM

Every time my sister and i would go to my aunts house we would always rent any Jaws movie. Those were always the best when i was younger

Samantha8 11-08-2003 09:55 AM

Gremlins and Child's Play movies. My father raised me w/ the child's play movies.

MorbidNightmare 11-09-2003 03:00 PM

The movies I watched when I was younger (horror related) was People Under the Stairs, Nightmare on Elm St. , Poltergeist, Friday the 13th, Candyman and those types. I was born in 1980 and the first horror film I watched was in 1987 and it was a Friday the 13th movie..

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