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Sculpt 02-12-2014 11:11 PM

"Tremors" 1990 5/10

Modern Western monster comedy thriller with Kevin Bacon. It was OK. Somewhat likeable shallow characters, extremely formulaic, and not at all funny. I'd give it a 5/10, or a 2/5. I apologize ahead of time to anyone who loved it, when I say, I heard this movie was very good, and if this passes for very good, I have to guess the general public's standards for Horror movies, or films in general, are comparably much lower than mine.

Angra 02-13-2014 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by Sculpt (Post 965138)
"Tremors" 1990

... I apologize ahead of time to anyone who loved it, when I say, I heard this movie was very good, and if this passes for very good, I have to guess the general public's standards for Horror movies, or films in general, are comparably much lower than mine.

That is correct, sir. You're a regular horror movie snob. And a heathen. :D

cheebacheeba 02-13-2014 01:36 AM

Well...I mean if you want to consider tremors "horror" you probably started that journey in the wrong place.

The Villain 02-13-2014 02:51 AM


Originally Posted by cheebacheeba (Post 965144)
Well...I mean if you want to consider tremors "horror" you probably started that journey in the wrong place.

Its about giant monsters under the ground that eat people. How's that not horror?

urgeok2 02-13-2014 03:31 AM

It's about fun cartoonish characters and big rubber monsters.
Key word = fun.
Not all 'horror' has to be bad-ass hardcore.
I think there should be more like this one - family friendly creature features - a throwback to the 50's sci-fi rubber monster films where the characters actually mattered.

the film is really about Kevin Bacon and Fred Ward's chemistry - without that this film would not have the following it still has today.

The Villain 02-13-2014 03:41 AM


Originally Posted by urgeok2 (Post 965153)
It's about fun cartoonish characters and big rubber monsters.
Key word = fun.
Not all 'horror' has to be bad-ass hardcore.
I think there should be more like this one - family friendly creature features - a throwback to the 50's sci-fi rubber monster films where the characters actually mattered.

the film is really about Kevin Bacon and Fred Ward's chemistry - without that this film would not have the following it still has today.

Exactly how I feel about it. Its still a horror movie but as you said a fun, family friendly creature feature.

I think a lot of people, not saying Sculpt and Cheeba, have a narrow view of what horror is.

There's definite moments where it tries to be scary and suspenseful and there's a heavy feeling of isolation throughout the movie. The creatures, despite having a silly name, arent portrayed as goofy and ridiculous, like the spiders in Eight Legged Freaks for example, and there's real fear from the characters.

Not a lovable doofus slacker stoner getting scared to entertain the audience but characters getting really scared.

I agree on Bacon and Wards chemistry. It really made the movie stand out.

cheebacheeba 02-13-2014 05:07 AM

I get your point.
I'd say by my own definition it's not really horror.
In subject matter maye, in tone and presentation, not really at all.
It was jovial, fun. More like an "adventure" movie.
Though if your expectation was a horror film that was "horrific", and had tastes as such, clearly this is not the film to best suit.

The Villain 02-13-2014 05:09 AM


Originally Posted by cheebacheeba (Post 965155)
I get your point.
I'd say by my own definition it's not really horror.
In subject matter maye, in tone and presentation, not really at all.
It was jovial, fun. More like an "adventure" movie.
Though if your expectation was a horror film that was "horrific", and had tastes as such, clearly this is not the film to best suit.

Yeah that makes sense. I could see how someone would be disappointed in that aspect

Khaleesi 02-13-2014 06:08 AM

Carrie (2013). It was okay. No big thrills or chills. Passable, I guess. For some reason, I find Sissy Spacek to be the more sympathetic Carrie. Chloe Grace Moretz was too bright-eyed and cute for the role. I actually haven't read the book yet, but isn't Carrie supposed to be extremely unattractive in the novel?

Sculpt 02-13-2014 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Angra (Post 965141)
That is correct, sir. You're a regular horror movie snob. And a heathen. :D

LOL I'm happy to see more discussion in this thread. I am a bit snobbish in regards to film quality. Although, I should say, I really do appreciate films that know what they are; and stay focussed to do that type of film well (as opposed to a film trying to be everything and failing.) I do appreciate Tremors mostly concentrating on being that "Tarantula" 50's sci-fi film. Towards that, it was OK, but not very good, IMO.

Originally Posted by cheebacheeba (Post 965144)
Well...I mean if you want to consider tremors "horror" you probably started that journey in the wrong place.

I did, and do, consider Tremors in that big fat category of Horror; joining Young Frankenstein, Ghostbusters, Anachrophobia, etc.

Before seeing it, I didn't know it was going to be heavily a snarky humor horror, but that didn't rub me the wrong way, or ruin my impression of it. I like good well-timed humor in any genre.

Originally Posted by The Villain (Post 965152)
Its about giant monsters under the ground that eat people. How's that not horror?


Originally Posted by urgeok2 (Post 965153)
It's about fun cartoonish characters and big rubber monsters.
Key word = fun.
Not all 'horror' has to be bad-ass hardcore.
I think there should be more like this one - family friendly creature features - a throwback to the 50's sci-fi rubber monster films where the characters actually mattered.

the film is really about Kevin Bacon and Fred Ward's chemistry - without that this film would not have the following it still has today.

I totally agree that the Bacon and Ward's chemistry was the best part of the movie, and really saved it's life, because I think it's a really weak script. Both Bacon and Ward are able to work some magic and a some humor in dried-up script.

Strictly speaking, it's not Family Friendly, only because it's oddly heavy on the language, dropping F and MF bombs and the rest. I think it's rated R because of it. There's no sex, and the graphic violence is relatively tame (there's PGs with more).

I agree with you, there should be more family friendly films like this one. The F-bombs were unnecessary; and I think were at cross purposes with the film's strengths.

Originally Posted by The Villain (Post 965154)
Exactly how I feel about it. Its still a horror movie but as you said a fun, family friendly creature feature.

I think a lot of people, not saying Sculpt and Cheeba, have a narrow view of what horror is.

There's definite moments where it tries to be scary and suspenseful and there's a heavy feeling of isolation throughout the movie. The creatures, despite having a silly name, arent portrayed as goofy and ridiculous, like the spiders in Eight Legged Freaks for example, and there's real fear from the characters.

Not a lovable doofus slacker stoner getting scared to entertain the audience but characters getting really scared.

I agree on Bacon and Wards chemistry. It really made the movie stand out.

Agreed. I think some of the funniest lines in film history are surrounded by the most intense sincere moments of dread, horror, tenderness, etc. IMO this film wasn't able to capture much suspense, humor or horror.

Originally Posted by cheebacheeba (Post 965155)
I get your point.
I'd say by my own definition it's not really horror.
In subject matter maye, in tone and presentation, not really at all.
It was jovial, fun. More like an "adventure" movie.
Though if your expectation was a horror film that was "horrific", and had tastes as such, clearly this is not the film to best suit.

Agreed, it was mainly a fun buddy adventure film, which was enjoyable. Those are some of my favorite films, like Bogus Journey for instance. Comparatively speaking, I wouldn't say Tremors is a great buddy adventure film by a long shot. But that is what is enjoyable about it.

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