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urgeok 07-18-2006 07:15 AM


Originally posted by noctuary
Horror, psychological, mystery? Sounds like Peter Straub's "Blue Rose" trilogy would work for you. In order, the books are Mystery, Koko, and The Throat. I usually don't get into mystery type books, but this series is great.
are those three books related ?

i read Koko a long time ago . and have the other 2 somewhere around .. didnt know there was a connection.

Miss Olivia 07-18-2006 09:02 AM

If you like mystery and suspense, try Rising Sun by Michael Crighton. It's a pretty fast read, I couldn't put it down.

evilreign 07-18-2006 08:42 PM

I also dont want to start a new thread for this question, what are some books that are gruesome, and horrifying, or just plain wierd that are definately away from the mainstream horror.

noctuary 07-19-2006 04:19 AM


Originally posted by urgeok
are those three books related ?

i read Koko a long time ago . and have the other 2 somewhere around .. didnt know there was a connection.

Yes, they are. The same characters appear in all three books, and the plots are (somewhat loosely) related. All three are great reads, but The Throat is the best in my opinion.


I also dont want to start a new thread for this question, what are some books that are gruesome, and horrifying, or just plain wierd that are definately away from the mainstream horror.
Once again, I'll recommend Thomas Ligotti. His works are seldom gory, but they are definitely horrifying and about as far from mainstream horror as you can get. As far as gruesome stuff goes, you could check out Edward Lee. I don't care for his work very much myself, but if you like the splatter stuff, you might.

Oh, and I'm reading The Conqueror Worms by Brian Keene. Really cool post-apocalyptic stuff. I wish I could find his other books around here.

urgeok 07-19-2006 08:06 AM


Originally posted by noctuary
Yes, they are. The same characters appear in all three books, and the plots are (somewhat loosely) related. All three are great reads, but The Throat is the best in my opinion.

is there an order to read them in ?

noctuary 07-20-2006 05:05 PM


Originally posted by urgeok
is there an order to read them in ?
I haven't read these books in quite a while, but I believe the order goes:

1. Mystery
2. Koko
3. The Throat

I could be wrong though.

Miss Olivia 07-21-2006 12:05 PM

Right now I'm reading A Place For Us, by Nick Gage. It's an autobiographical novel about Nick and his four sisters emigrating to the U.S. after communist guerillas killed their mother in Greece. This is a very engrossing and well-told story. If you like true stories, I highly recommend it.
I haven't gotten bored once.

urgeok 07-21-2006 04:26 PM

reading fallen angel, and a lovecraft compilation and Shibumi by Trevanian .. i misplaced my copy years ago and just found another a day or so again .. always enjoyed that book .. entertaining fast food writer ..

Miss Olivia 07-23-2006 08:48 PM

Skeleton Crew by Stephen King. I've read it about ten times, but it's still a pretty good story collection.

azathoth777 07-23-2006 08:55 PM

Book Of The Dead- Complete History Of Zombie Cinema

novakru 07-24-2006 11:32 AM

Is summer reading just blah this year or is it me?

Just finished 'the River King' by Alice Hoffman.
It's about an odd private boarding school, the town it's situated in and some of the people that play there.

The most interesting character is found dead in the local river and I wish more of what he thought and felt was at center of this novel.
But then again it's Alice Hoffman(shrug)
3 out of 5 stars because it was a 2 day read.

novadawn969 07-24-2006 01:36 PM


Originally posted by novakru

Just finished 'the River King' by Alice Hoffman.
It's about an odd private boarding school, the town it's situated in and some of the people that play there.

Well, all private bording schools are odd. I should know...

I'm reading an entire series at the moment. I read Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow, now i'm onto Speaker of the Dead. All by Orson Scott Card. There science fiction... I usually hate anything thats not horror, but these books are really good.

They only last a couple days each, but that because they suck you in and you can't put the book down. Thats the kind of book I like. Almost like a Laymon novel...

Wendigo06 07-26-2006 02:25 PM

I just read Arthur Machen īs "Tales of Horror and the Supernatural" and "Best ghost Stories of Algernon Blackwood". I think those guys are the best. They have influence one of the best novel i ever read: T.E.D. Klein īs "The Ceremonies".

novakru 07-27-2006 04:14 PM


Originally posted by novadawn969
Well, all private bording schools are odd. I should know...

You know what?
Now that I think about it...I have never read a novel about boarding schools that wasn't weird or had wierd characters in it...hmmm.

And why is Laymon such a familiar name...can you name some book titles for me please?

novadawn969 07-28-2006 12:52 AM


Originally posted by novakru
And why is Laymon such a familiar name...can you name some book titles for me please?
He wrote alot...

After Midnight


Allhallow's Eve

AMARA (To Wake The Dead)

Among The Missing

The Beast House



Blood Games

Body Rides

The Cellar

Come Out Tonight


Dark Mountain

Darkness, Tell Us

Endless Night



Friday Night in Beast House


In The Dark


Midnight's Lair

Midnight Tour

Night In The Lonesome October

Night Show

No Sanctuary

Once Upon A Halloween

One Rainy Night

Out Are The Lights


Resurrection Dreams


The Stake

The Travelling Vampire Show

The Wilds (Novella)

The Woods Are Dark

Miscellaneous Praise by others...


Hope that helps.
I think thats everything... :D I've actually only read like 3 or 4, but He's really good.

urgeok 07-28-2006 08:12 AM

giving Clive Barker's The Damnation Game another chance ..
read it when it 1st came out .. didnt like the ending ... thought i'd revisit.

just finished Trevanian's Shibumi.

I recommend this book to anyone .. a lot going on for an 'action novel'

Fresh 07-28-2006 10:53 AM

Contact by Carl Sagan (Sci-fi)

So far it's so boring that it scares me.

novakru 07-28-2006 07:54 PM


Originally posted by novadawn969
He wrote alot...

After Midnight


Allhallow's Eve

AMARA (To Wake The Dead)

Among The Missing

The Beast House



Blood Games

Body Rides

The Cellar

Come Out Tonight


Dark Mountain

Darkness, Tell Us

Endless Night



Friday Night in Beast House


In The Dark


Midnight's Lair

Midnight Tour

Night In The Lonesome October

Night Show

No Sanctuary

Once Upon A Halloween

One Rainy Night

Out Are The Lights


Resurrection Dreams


The Stake

The Travelling Vampire Show

The Wilds (Novella)

The Woods Are Dark

Miscellaneous Praise by others...


Hope that helps.
I think thats everything... :D I've actually only read like 3 or 4, but He's really good.

Thank you:)
I have been scouting the bookstores and libraries for something and now I have a laundry list!

novadawn969 07-29-2006 10:51 PM


Originally posted by novakru
Thank you:)
I have been scouting the bookstores and libraries for something and now I have a laundry list!

lol. Well any of these books should be good. The first one I read by Laymon was Endless Night. I loved it!!!

Well, have fun! This'll takeyou awhile... :D

evilreign 07-30-2006 11:44 AM

I just finished the stand:complete and uncut, and now I am reading the biography of Patton: a soldiers life. It isn't what I normally rad, but it is quite interesting. After that I will read the hellboundheart

Despare 08-01-2006 07:01 PM

Just finished Koontz's Velocity. A good read, really liked the pacing.

Miss Olivia 08-01-2006 07:37 PM

Darkfall by Dean Koontz.
Interesting book.

urgeok 08-02-2006 12:20 PM

i'm not into books on tape/cd but i recently listened to Chuck Barris's "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind" on 5 CDs.
(Read by the author)

I'm glad he read it - he did an amazing job.

I was completely engaged. Don't know how much was bullshit or not but it's fascinating.

Miss Olivia 08-02-2006 04:54 PM

I've never read the book, but I thought the movie was good. Sam Rockwell is an awesome actor.

Bee-otch 08-03-2006 09:49 AM


Originally posted by urgeok
i'm not into books on tape/cd but i recently listened to Chuck Barris's "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind" on 5 CDs.
(Read by the author)

I'm glad he read it - he did an amazing job.

I was completely engaged. Don't know how much was bullshit or not but it's fascinating.

I listened to an interview with Chuck Barris on the
Coast To Coast radio show in 2002.

Interesting stuff.

Miss Olivia 08-03-2006 01:37 PM

Swan Song by Robert McCammon.
I like it.

heebiejeebies 08-04-2006 08:41 AM

Just finished The Ruins by Scott Smith. He goes into a lot of detail (some might say too much) in places, but overall I thought it was a pretty good read.

Getting ready to start Brimstone by Preston and Child.

Angra 08-05-2006 04:28 AM

Stephen Kingīs "Bag of bones".

barbra 08-08-2006 11:33 AM

the teachings of don juan
the fith elephant-terry prachette
wolves of calla-stephen king

urgeok 08-10-2006 05:46 AM

just finished Clive Barker's The Damnation Game.

Just as the 1st time many years ago when i 1st read it ... i began to lose interest 2/3 through the book.

the main character was the only thing i enjoyed and he was pretty much abandoned late in the book ...

it wasnt hard to follow - just kind of blah ..

next up : i begin the Necroscope by Lumley.

i dont know why i got sucked back into horror fiction considering how much i despise it .. hopefully Lumley is a decent writer.

Miss Olivia 08-10-2006 02:01 PM

The Damnation Game is one of the few Clive Barker books I didn't like.

I just read the second installment of Dean Koontz's Frankenstein. I actually got into the story and read it in three hours. Now I'm just pissed that I have to buy ANOTHER book to get to the end of the story. And it doesn't even come out until May 2007.
If I would have known that beforehand, I would have waited to read the first two. I know he's not the only writer working on the books, but I don't know if they're writing the story as they go along or if they're just holding the ending to make people want to buy the last book more.
Either way, it's bullshit.

Zero 08-10-2006 04:07 PM

i keep giving up on books lately - i just don't seem to have the patience for fast-paced books (which are usually also stupid) or the energy to get through slow and thoughtful books. . .what the hell is wrong with me??

heebiejeebies 08-10-2006 05:15 PM


Originally posted by Miss Olivia
I just read the second installment of Dean Koontz's Frankenstein. I actually got into the story and read it in three hours. Now I'm just pissed that I have to buy ANOTHER book to get to the end of the story. And it doesn't even come out until May 2007. If I would have known that beforehand, I would have waited to read the first two. I know he's not the only writer working on the books, but I don't know if they're writing the story as they go along or if they're just holding the ending to make people want to buy the last book more. Either way, it's bullshit.
I totally agree, but at least you just finished reading the book!!!! I finished it last summer and could barely wait for the third and final installment to come out June 2006 (the original release date). When I couldn't find it, I did some research and found this at a Random House website. The answer to Q3 explains what's taking so long, but it doesn't make me any happier.:mad:


Miss Olivia 08-11-2006 09:45 AM

Well, that explains a lot. I hope he means the BEGINNING of 2007, though, and not the END. I'm pretty interested in how he's going to fit hurricane Katrina into it.

novadawn969 08-11-2006 10:59 AM

I finally got bored enough to read the entire Chronicals of Narnia. I finished The Magician's Nephew and I'm almost done with The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. The only problem is that I've already read this one twice, so it's taking me forever to finish it.

urgeok 08-11-2006 11:47 AM


Originally posted by novadawn969
I finally got bored enough to read the entire Chronicals of Narnia. I finished The Magician's Nephew and I'm almost done with The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. The only problem is that I've already read this one twice, so it's taking me forever to finish it.

i started those again a while ago and got as far as 1/2 way through voyage of the dawn treader and abandoned it for a little bit ..

i'll get back eventually - havent seen the mugwumps yet :D

Ooky_Kabuki 08-11-2006 12:44 PM

A Scanner Darkly. Been trying to read it for a while now (since about January) but I can't read it during the school year. I am about half way through it but next Sunday I have to start studying for class again so we'll see if I can make it.

evilreign 08-11-2006 04:30 PM

I am still truding my way through the patton biography. I bought it so I am going to read it, but I thought it was going to be at least a little interesting. Its a biography so I wasnt expecting much, but damn it I dont need to read 20 pages about all the ways he tried to get his wife to europe during the first world war. I dont want to read about all the ways he tried and failed at football at west point. I wont to read about what made him famous, Killing a lot of germans really fast in WW2.

novadawn969 08-13-2006 08:21 PM


Originally posted by urgeok
i started those again a while ago and got as far as 1/2 way through voyage of the dawn treader and abandoned it for a little bit ..

i'll get back eventually - havent seen the mugwumps yet :D

lol. I read that one a few years ago. I won't give away the ending, but I liked that one...

I'm about halfway through The Horse and His Boy. Its cute. Theres a demon cat in it :D

urgeok 08-14-2006 05:25 AM

still reading The Necroscope by Lumley.

not terribly impressed so far .. drab prose ...
i'm sure it'll pick up once the events really start to unfold but i still think this guy is sorely lacking in style ...

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