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neverending 01-26-2013 02:19 AM


Interesting crime drama/social problems drama starring Robert deNiro as an old school, aging conservative cop who gets shot during a crime and wakes up partially paralized. Philip Seymore Hoffman is a drag queen he goes to for singing lessons as speech therapy. Bravura performances from both actors as they learn to deal with each other. A well balanced mixture of drama and comedy, which is hard to do.

newb 01-26-2013 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by Ice Pik (Post 944163)
Elaborate, please?

Well...for the first 10 minutes you ain't going to know what the fluck is going on. Then via flashbacks it will come together but it's still a pretty effed up ride. Talking dog, meat monsters, parallel universes .....effed up but a fun ride. Keep a look out for The Tall Man in a cameo.

Not much of an elaboration but the best I can do

_____V_____ 01-26-2013 08:17 AM


Excellent. I second Chronogrl's recommendation for this film. If you are a fan of the Back to the Future trio, Twelve Monkeys, et al, this one is just for you.

* * * *

The Horror fan 01-26-2013 10:06 AM

Kill Theory (2009)

I Thought the trailer made this movie look really good with a lot action it.

This movie 3 couples going to cabin for the weekend and soon are in danger when some stranger Kills one their friends and tell to Kill there Friends, If no one kills they will die.

I think the plot for the movie was decent twist on normal cabin in the woods movies There had some decent actors, who don't over act their scenes.

There were decent Bloodly moment in this movie, they could have been more bloody for slasher movie.

I felt this movie a bit too much like Donkey Punch that came year before, Which I didn't really like at all, (Not seen it that movie for while, May need to re-watch that, I didn't really like that at the time)

I didn't like how the movie ended at all, I thought it decent twist on normal slasher movie but don't think there anything that really stood out their for this movie to get notice.

4/5 out of 10

A Little Bit Zombie (2012)
This movie of with mosquito flying and there stink a Zombie, Mean while a guy, his best friend, his sister, and his bride-to-be (also a "bridezilla") come to the Cabin to have Stag night.

Craig get bitten by that mosquito zombie, Some he slowly start act a bit diffrent then normal.

This movie had me laughing a few times , with some silly gags like Farts and Funny vomits scenes.

I one the worst Chick fight scenes but I do think it was meant to be bad as I did find it funny.

There were some bloody moment in this movie at start and in the last few scenes, The rest of the movie wasn't meant bloody moment.

As Craig is only a bit of a Zombie,I think the acting this movie is very campy and in fits in perfectly with the rest of the movie.

During the credits there some funny pictures and small scene at the very end, which I thought was nice funny touch to this to campy fun movie.

it not as good the big names like Shaun of the Dead, Zombieland, Braindead, this movie is more on the level of Fido or Wasting away.

I going 7 out of 10 really good fun!

Ice Pik 01-26-2013 04:04 PM

Newb - Sounds interesting, you find it on netflicks?

Hellraiser 4 - bloodline 5/10

I haven't watched it since I say 99ish and figure I'd watch it again and idk still how I feel about it. A bit overdrawn and during half way through the film you kinda were like is it over yet? Still had good death scenes but the cenobites really didn't freak you out like the first 3. Pinhead seemed more friendly and human but still love the "I AM PAIN" scene. Too Hollywood.

Tony Vilgotsky 01-26-2013 11:10 PM

Watched Cabin in the Woods and John Dies at the End. Love them both but especially the first one.

roshiq 01-28-2013 02:00 AM

Fairytale (2012)


With a semi-decent plot about a creepy-freaking "Tooth fairy" lady, this is a well executed English-language Italian horror.

>>: B

American Mary (2012)


First of all, it's great to see that hot Ginger Snaps chick Katharine Isabelle is back to horror but the film is kinda weird. At first it looked like this is going to be quite interesting body-horror extravaganza but I'm not sure, may be there was something missing in the story...probably a strong or interesting "antagonist" for Mary I guess and other than that it was decently made with a pretty interesting & unpredictable storyline. Recommended.

>>: B+

Tony Vilgotsky 01-28-2013 09:18 AM

Watched Inbred by Alex Chandon. Pretty fine redneck massacre flick.

newb 01-28-2013 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Ice Pik (Post 944200)
Newb - Sounds interesting, you find it on netflicks?

no...video on demand

Daria_pea 01-28-2013 02:20 PM

The Collection.
I was disappointed. I love The Collector, and the sequel is much inferior.

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