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milktoaste 02-14-2009 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by neverending (Post 787575)
See, you have to know the backstory of The Terror to appreciate it. Corman had 2 days left on a contract with Karloff and instead of just letting that go like any sane person, he said "I've got Karloff for 2 days- I'll make ANOTHER movie!" So a basic script was thrown together, dialogue was shot with Karloff and Nicholson and a few other actors. It all sat in the can for six months when Corman shot some exteriors to cover what was needed, and it was all assembled out of what was onhand. The six month wait made it the longest Corman shoot ever. Really a fun little film showing what Corman could come up with out of nothing.

Wow, see I didn't know that. I can honestly say I will watch Terror again-give it a second chance. I've only recently begun looking into everything involved with making a movie, and with what you've discribed, I think I could get alot more out of the film, thanks.

milktoaste 02-14-2009 06:53 PM

Little Shop of Horrors 1960
Jack Nicholson cameo was sweet, otherwise the film was so so.

The Last Man on Earth 1960
Vincent Price could take Will S. in a fight any day. A true classic-could've used a better ending-I can see why it's been remade so many times.

House on Haunted Hill 1959
V.P. is the man! I only wish it were longer.

crabapple 02-14-2009 07:30 PM

Word! Vincent Price kicks ass in all his movies.

re93animator 02-14-2009 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by milktoaste (Post 789091)
The Last Man on Earth 1960
Vincent Price could take Will S. in a fight any day. A true classic-could've used a better ending-I can see why it's been remade so many times.

Yes, I still prefer the Price version to both other adaptions I've seen. Even the Heston one. A criminally overlooked film.

For the record, the film was not remade; all three of the I Am Legend films that I know of are based upon the same novel by Richard Matheson.

Anyway, the last classic horror film I watched was The Black Cat for about the gazillionth time. Another picture that deserves much more appraise than it currently receives, and remains among my favorite films.

"Did you hear that, Vitus? 'The phone is dead.' Even the phone is dead."

mrglass666 02-16-2009 09:24 AM

'The body snatcher'

My all time favourite Boris Karloff movie,

scouse mac 02-17-2009 03:08 AM

The Plague of the Zombies

Brilliant film, one Hammers finest

Geddy 02-17-2009 05:50 PM

Night of the Living Dead (1968) - 10/10.

George A. Romero kicks ass.

scouse mac 02-18-2009 12:09 AM

Frankenstein Created Woman

phantomstranger 02-23-2009 02:59 PM

"The Black Scorpion"

zwoti 02-28-2009 02:07 PM

the wasp woman
horrors of the black museum

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