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anglewitch 02-09-2015 05:57 AM

I will brace myself. ::big grin::

Jake.Ashworth 02-09-2015 07:51 AM

Chapter 11
The Police arrived not long after we sat down in the living room and Edith called. I overheard her in the kitchen reporting a suicide. She said the address and asked them to hurry, that a child was in the house. Within 20 minutes the house was buzzing. There where police and EMT’s and the coroner all walking in and out of mothers room. They kept taking pictures and talking in whispers. I kept up the façade that I was traumatized. I rocked back and forth on the couch crying like a baby. But in my head I just wanted to go back upstairs and play video games.
The feeling was incredibly freeing. I had no emotions about what was happening, not about losing mother. Edith was crying and trying to keep my attention. An image jumped across my mind of my mother smiling and dancing when I was young, but only for a split second. I was locking all of that away, I could feel those memories slipping from the front of my mind. Behind them came explicit images of Sarah, and memories of how mother’s skin felt when I ran my hand up her thigh. I felt myself start to smirk and caught it. The last thing I needed was for Edith to think I was crazy, she hadn’t served her purpose yet. Soon though, I just have to be patient.
I watched as they escorted mother’s body out through the living room in a black plastic body bag. One of the officers had pulled aside Edith and was talking with her about the order of events. I stared intently at the bag as it passed. I wanted so badly to keep her. To get to play with her. I felt goose bumps raise from my flesh, and thought that the haze should be coming over my vision at any moment. A voice came from inside of my head, only this time it was my own. “You won’t see that haze anymore, you are going to be completely clear minded from this day forward. You’re going to live in a beautiful new world, that you will help make better.”
I took one last look at the bag as it went out through the front doors, that’s it mother is gone. I looked up at Edith and the officer, he was writing down everything she said. I imagined what she was saying, “Well, she had been depressed for as long as I have been here and her son over there says she almost never came out of her room. Im really not surprised at all. I feel terrible for the boy though, he just lost his father less than a year ago.” The officer just shook his head and reached out to touch her arm. Edith smiled at him and then turned to walk over towards me. She said “Michael, why don’t you go up to your room and try to get some rest. It’s been a long night and I bet the police will be here for a little longer. Are you ok to be alone?” I gave her the saddest face I could muster up and said “I’m ok Edith, I’ll probably be up for a while but I think I will go to my room.” I got up and gave her a big hug. She squeezed me back just as hard and I walked away to head upstairs, fumbling with the note in my pocket.
Not at all sure what was going to happen moving forward, I was a little nervous that they would ship me off to live with some distant relative that I hardly knew. God if they sent me to live with that drunk, Uncle William, I would slaughter the entire family. As I thought that to myself I smiled a little seeing a image of William screaming as I dug my fingers into his eyes. I sat down in front of my TV thinking about playing some games. I kept feeling like I should go and talk to Sarah about what had happened, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to talk about it. The last think I wanted was sympathy. What I really wanted was to play with mother’s body. Not sexually, I wanted to peel that skin off and finally get to see what’s underneath. When I ran my fingers up her thigh the feeling of her skin was amazing, it was so soft and white. I closed my eyes and dreamt of biting her flesh, of feeling that soft skin between my teeth. The thought shot a shiver down my spine and I felt more relaxed than I had all day.
By this time it was well past midnight. I usually met Sarah in private chat about two in the morning. So she should be logging on any minute. I didn’t want to tell her about mother, but I wanted to talk to her regardless. I went to the computer and logged on to the site. She wasn’t on yet so I thought I would spend a little time just wondering around and watching other people’s conversations. Sometimes it was nice to just see what other people had running through their minds.
I started reading a conversation about some pretty crazy fetishes. I couldn’t get into a lot of them, the page was a no holds barred, anything goes type of place and people took advantage of that. There where people talking about sexual acts with animals, and going to the bathroom on each other. I wasn’t into any of that stuff. I liked the blood, and the gore. I really liked conversation that bridged the gap between murder and sex. That’s why Sarah was perfect. She seemed to really get off on the idea of dying in the throes of ecstasy. I wanted to be the one to give that to her. She didn’t know it yet, but I was convinced I was going to be the one that gave her that ultimate pleasure. I wanted to watch her cum and watch the life melt out of her at the same time.
As I was thinking this a private message popped up in the corner of the screen, it was Sarah, I hadn’t even noticed she logged on. It read simply “At your service Master.” I felt my smile stretch ear to ear. I typed back “We will get to that, right now I want to ask you some questions about you.” She replied “Anything” She was all mine, I love this. “Have you talked to your boyfriend about your fantasies?” I typed. She answered “No Master, he wouldn’t understand. He is such a vanilla kind of guy.” I said “Do you think he loves you?” She said “Yes.” That’s perfect. My plan may take a little while to come to fruition but if they stay together it will work. I don’t want to overwhelm her right now though. And I can tell she wants to play. Plus I want to see her bleed. I said “That’s all for now, were is my video feed?” Within seconds a small window opened in the corner of my screen with Sarah’s face in it. Another message came across “Why can’t I see you.” I frowned and scolded her “You will see me when I damn well feel like showing myself! Awful ballsy tonight aren’t we? And where is my sound?” I watched as she read my response and saw the look of hurt come over her face. She replied in voice “I’m sorry Master, I didn’t mean to question you.” She needed to be punished and I knew the best way. I sent her “Good night.” She read it and immediately started to beg for me to stay, that she needed me. I clicked the log off button and closed the window. She would be a mess tomorrow, and play time will be that much more fun.

Jake.Ashworth 02-09-2015 07:52 AM

I got up from the computer and stretched. Still not at all tired I decided that it was time to play some games and headed for the media center. I couldn’t hear any ruckus down stairs anymore and I couldn’t see the front of the house from my window, my room faced the back yard, so I couldn’t tell if the police were still here. I flipped on my PlayStation and sat down to enjoy some quiet time.
Plans ran through my head as I mowed down hookers and civilians, stole cars and robbed people. These games were fun, but they didn’t satisfy my need for blood. I have a plan in place for Edith, and for Sarah, and if all goes well for Sarah’s boyfriend. This should be a blast, it will take a lot of patience but in the end, it’s going to be life changing. I only had the other me to thank, my best ideas started flowing as I got closer and closer to meeting him. Now that we have come together I think I am going to have a lot more fun.
I played for a little while and was feeling pretty good about everything when I heard a knock. She must have heard my game because she pushed the door open and stuck her head inside “Michael, can I come in and talk to you?” I thought about saying no, and I thought she probably wouldn’t have second guessed it but instead I said “Go ahead.” She walked into the room and over to the couch where I was intently playing my game. She sat down next to me and I didn’t even acknowledge her. I’m hoping that she will think that I am avoiding the topic and let me be. She said “Michael, how are you taking all of this?” I kept playing and didn’t respond she waited a few seconds and continued “This has to be killing you, I know you loved her. You need to know that it had nothing to do with you. I know that you probably need some time to let it all sink in, but I am here for you if you need me.” I nodded my head slowly and managed to get some tears to well up in my eyes. I was hoping she read it how I wanted her to. Sure enough she said “Its ok Michael, Im going to go to be. You try to get some rest tonight please?” I said “I will, and Edith, thank you.” She smiled softly and reached out to touch my cheek. I started to flinch away but let her soft hand brush against me. She got up and left the room closing the door behind her.
She must have been right about needing some sleep because shortly after she walked out of the room, I passed out right there on the couch. Vivid clear dreams rushing through my head. I relived the moment I saw my mother’s body hanging in her room. Except this time, the other me was hanging on the body swinging back and forth and spinning in circles with a strange ear to ear grin on my face, larger than I would think is possible. My teeth were showing and they were sharp and dripping long strands of saliva. I watched the other me jump down off of the body and start to lick the urine off of the legs of my mother’s corpse. I watched that me take a huge bite out of the thigh of her leg and the blood poured out into my mouth almost cartoon like. As I watched this happen I blinked and when my eyes opened back up it was me chewing on the piece of her thigh as a flood of blood poured out of her legs and over my body. I felt the need to yank her down and eat the rest of her. I grabbed her body and tried to pull her down but I couldn’t get her loose. Then I felt a hand on the back of my head. I jerked back and saw my mother’s eyes open and her slack jawed gaze turned into a loving smile. She said in a very raspy voice “I love you Michael, this is what I want, I wanted you to learn who you really are.” Then a laugh, loud and evil echoed through my head. I grabbed at my ears and fell to the floor screaming. Everything went black and I instantly woke up.
I looked around and realized I had fallen asleep playing my game. My heart beat started to return to normal and I stood up to turn the game off. Walking over to the TV everything still felt very fuzzy. I hit the power button on the PlayStation and on the TV and looked up into the black screen of the TV. I froze in my place… Over my right shoulder standing directly behind the couch I could see my mother in the reflection. I turned around slowly and looked toward the couch. When my head came around she was nose to nose with me and in an instant she brought her hand up to her throat and slid her finger nail across the surface. It ripped a hole in her throat and her blood started to pour through the gash. She grabbed the back of my head and jammed it into the wound. I heard her say “Eat me Michael!” but the sound came from her throat.
Pain shot through my body as I woke up again, this time laying on the floor covered in sweat. My heart felt like it was about to come up out of my throat and as I tried to get to my feet I realized that my knees where very week and collapsed under my weight. I tried to think about what had just happened but even as I was trying to wake up the dreams where fading into the background of my memory. Things where never going to be the same. I felt older, wiser, and I felt like all I wanted was blood. I wanted to feel it on my skin and I wanted to taste it. I loved the idea of watching it pour from a wound. I was ready.
The following days were full of legal stuff and lonely time. I spent a lot of time talking to Sarah because Edith had to go to the lawyer’s office a few time. I didn’t have any lessons for a full week. I lost myself in the fun and fascinating world of the internet exploring some of the darker corners. I didn’t realize it until I heard the knock at the door and had an interesting conversation with Edith, but I hadn’t left my room all week.
Edith said as she knocked “Michael, you need to let me in, we need to talk.” I opened the door and she smiled a soft, grandma smile. I stood back and opened the door. She walked in looking around, probably for any signs that I had lost my mind. Luckily even when I am feeling crazy, I like to keep things clean. I walked with her to the couch, I could have sworn that I could smell fear on her. She didn’t want to talk about this. We sat on the couch and she took my hand. “Michael, I need you to come down to the lawyer’s office with me. You are part of the will and need to hear it.” I said “Why do I need to hear it there? Why can’t you just tell me what fucked up relative I have to go live with?” She looked a little taken back by the curse word. I apologized for it and said “Im just feeling a lot of stress and I really don’t know how to deal with all of this.” The look of shock was replaced with another understanding smile. She said “They won’t read it to me, you are the next surviving member of the family. Your mother also asked in the will that you be there.” Interested I said “Mom wanted me there? That’s weird.” Edith nodded “It looks like she changed it before she… passed away.” I was a little confused but I agreed to go out with her.

Jake.Ashworth 02-09-2015 07:52 AM

After my first shower that week and getting on what I would call court clothes, they weren’t much different than funeral clothes just with lighter colors, I met Edith at her car. I got in the passenger seat and waited. She got in and got comfortable which I didn’t believe was possible in this tiny Prius. We drove down the long driveway in silence. I waved at the guard as we drove through the gate. Edith said “How are you feeling?” I shook my head a little bit and said “I’m ok, a little nervous about this. I hate driving into the city.” She said “Your mother’s funeral is tomorrow you know. Are you planning on attending?” I chewed on that for a minute. I knew that eventually that was going to come up but I am not willing to go to another huge event. I asked “How many people did you invite?” She replied “Well not many, it will be a more intimate ordeal. I was hoping that would make it easier for you.” “Thank you Edith, I really appreciate that, I suppose I will come.” Then we fell into silence for the rest of the trip. I thought about mother and the way she looked in my dreams the night before. It was the only thing I could remember clearly, she was so beautiful, even in death.
We drove into Baltimore, I watched as the country became the city and watched the slums fly by again. I know someday I will have fun there, but now isn’t for daydreaming, I had to prepare myself for whatever was going to happen at the lawyers office. I watched as we drove past the slums and into the city. We go off in the heart of the city and drove through the streets. I looked up at the huge skyscrapers and imagined what would happen to a person’s body if they jumped from up there. I could see the impact in my mind in slow motion. The organs liquefying and the bones shattering.
We pulled into a parking garage next to one of the huge skyscrapers. Edith said “His office is at the very top, the view is amazing.” I smiled and got out of the car. We walked across the pathway that divided the parking garage and the building and into the lobby. There were tons of people, everyone moving around and not paying attention to each other. It seemed like nobody cared about anyone else. We walked over to the row of elevators, ten on each side of the walkway. Edith pushed the up button and we waited. I watched people in business suits pile in and out of elevator after elevator. It was incredible how many people walked by each other without even a greeting. This world was cold, I loved it. The elevator in front of us dinged and the doors slid open. People rushed out like they had somewhere they had to be five minutes ago and were late.
The elevator ride was long and almost as quiet as the drive over here if it wasn’t for the racket of elevator music. It stopped a few times to let people on and for those people to get off. A twenty something young man sweating profusely, I thought he must be going for a interview. I was leaning in the corner when a young lady got on the elevator. I looked up after the door closed and her back was facing me. Could it be? She looked just like Jennifer from the back. Her hair was the same color and length, and her ass was perfect. I reached up and grabbed her arm. She swung around fast. Smiling ear to ear I was expecting to see Jennifer but instead all I saw was a confused young lady that definitely was not Jennifer. I said “Oh my, Im so sorry, I thought you looked like someone I knew.” Her confusion melted away and she smiled at me and said “Its ok honey.” I looked over to Edith and I could see the question in her eyes “What the hell was that?” I mouthed silently “Nothing, don’t worry about it.” She nodded but still looked curious.
When we finally reached the top, the 62nd floor, the doors slid open into a beautiful waiting room. We walked across the floor to the desk and Edith spoke to the receptionist. I was there but paying no attention. My mind was on Jennifer. Edith grabbed my shoulder and directed me through a big glass door into a long hallway. She whispered to me “Where are you Michael? It seems like you keep spacing out.” I said “I’m ok Edith, let’s just get this over with.” The receptionist led us down the long hallway to the very end. On the opaque glass door there was an inscription, it just read Jason Wainright. The receptionist opened the door and announced us. As I walked past her I felt my jaw drop open. The office was beautiful and in a corner. It was solid glass windows on two sides and the glass was so immaculate that it almost didn’t even seem like it was there. There was a huge executive desk in the corner facing the doorway. Sitting at the desk was a very professional looking gentleman in his late forty’s? The other two walls were full of book cases with every book you could imagine on the law. There were few knickknacks but my eyes landed on what looked like a huge rabbit’s foot in a glass case on Mr. Wainrights desk. I walked over and saw that it looked a lot like mine. I reached up and touched mine through my shirt. The well-dressed man behind the desk must have noticed my gaze because he stood up and said “You must be Michael. That was a gift from your father.” I shook the cloudiness from my mind and looked at the man. He stuck out his hand and said “I’m Jason, me and your father have been friends for about twenty years.” I reached forward and grabbed his hand shaking it firmly. He said “Have a seat, would you like me to have Edith step out?” I said “No, absolutely not, she is part of the family.” I saw a nice smile on Edith’s face. That one was for good measure, I want her to feel like part of the family. Jason said “Very well, let’s get to it.” I nodded “Lets.” Jason said “So your mother had just inherited your father’s entire fortune recently. She was a good woman and she was very concerned for your wellbeing. She spent a lot of time finding Edith to take care of you. It turns out that her plan was for Edith to become your Legal Guardian, as long as that settled well with Edith.” Edith nodded approval, I stopped him and said “Then mother knew that she wanted to commit suicide that long ago?” Jason said “That’s how it seems. You will also inherit everything that was your fathers and your mothers. That includes the vacation homes in France and Germany.” I didn’t even know we had vacation homes. This was all so shocking. He went on “The money will be put into a trust fund until you turn eighteen. In the meantime the bills will be taken care of and a monthly allowance will be sent to Edith in the amount of $5000. To be spent on anything that suits you.” There were a lot of other things about cars and boats but I didn’t really listen too much of it. Then I heard Jason say “Well, that’s all of it, it looks like the two of you are set for life.” He stood up and said that a lot of the info would be sent via mail to Edith and that the first check will arrive in the mail in about a month.
We stood to leave and Jason came around the desk. He looked at me and said “Your father was a great man, your mom was an amazing woman. I am very sorry for what happened and if you ever need anything in my line call me any time.” I thanked him and flashed him a smile. I hope he got the message, it was pretty clear by the look on my face “I’ll call you if I need help, otherwise you will never hear from me again.” I tried to let everything sink in on the long elevator ride and walk back to the car.
During the drive home Edith spoke up and said “So, how do you feel about all of that?” “Well, it looks like you’re my new mommy.” I said kind of sarcastically. She picked up on it and didn’t take any offense. “You’re a good kid Michael, I would be proud to stay with you until you go off to college.” I said “Thank you Edith, I think we will be just fine, let’s get passed this funeral and try to start fresh.” I could feel it coming, there was something big getting ready to happen. I heard my voice in my head say “Keep building that trust, you’ll love what happens, it’s so much fun.” I smiled and rested my head against the window.

Jake.Ashworth 02-09-2015 07:53 AM

Well, that was a long chapter. Probably could be two.

anglewitch 02-09-2015 11:02 AM

make it two.

Jake.Ashworth 02-09-2015 11:15 AM

Will do, when I rough out draft 2. Lol.

anglewitch 02-09-2015 11:20 AM


Jake.Ashworth 02-12-2015 09:12 AM

Chapter 12
I woke up on the morning of mothers funeral feeling completely rejuvenated. I had wonderful dreams of all of the things I could do with a pocket knife and a steady hand. I got up and got ready to go. Edith knocked at the door and I opened it with a big smile. I know it’s a sad day but I couldn’t help it. Edith said “Ok, we leave in an hour for the wake and then the funeral and home by two. Sound like a deal?” I said “That sounds perfect.” I walked out the door and followed Edith downstairs for breakfast. It seems like it will be a good day. I asked over cereal “What’s a wake?” the only funeral I had been to up till then was fathers and it was just a memorial service. Edith said “Well, we are doing a open casket wake so that you and others can say goodbye to your mother.” I felt the room shift a little “Wait, I’m going to see her again?” Edith said “Well, only if you want to.” I nodded thinking to myself “Will I be able to handle that? I will have to work hard to keep from touching her.” We finished up breakfast and Edith grabbed her keys and we headed for the car.
The drive was the same as it had been the day before but the funeral home was a lot closer. We didn’t even go into the city. We parked and headed in, I noticed that there were only a few cars in the parking lot. When we walked in the casket was set up at the far end of a row of chairs. There was a small sign in book and about ten people there. I didn’t recognize any of them, but they still all went out of their way to tell me how sorry they were. I put on my super sad face again and hammed it up for them.
Then Edith said “Do you want to go and see her?” I turned toward the casket and headed down the aisle. I wasn’t sure what to feel but flashes of her dangling from the ceiling were flashing through my mind. I tried taking some deep breaths to clear my head but it wasn’t working. I stepped up onto the platform and walked over to the casket. It was propped open from her waist up. She was in a beautiful dress and her makeup and hair were perfect. She was exactly as I remembered her. I stood there for a second just staring and I felt a shift inside of me. I felt the other me trying to take control. There was a need to touch her that washed over my body. I wanted to climb in the casket on top of her. I want to wipe the makeup off that was covering up the beautiful bruises that the rope had made around her neck. I started salivating and I felt flush. There was a internal struggle that I had to win. I fought it tooth and nail. Then I thought I saw her eyes move. They flicked toward me, I felt her hand grab my hand. Her mouth opened in a slack jawed gape. I felt her moving my hand toward her mouth, she was going to bite me. I pulled my hand back hard and fell backwards off of the platform.
The other people there rushed to help me up. I could hear everyone asking if I was ok and I felt all of their hands on my body. I started shaking and didn’t know what to do. I flung my arms out and pushed everyone away. Looking around the room slowly my eyes landed on the casket. I saw mother sitting up staring at me, her eyes blank and her hand on the corner of the casket tapping her fingers as if to say “Now what?” I wanted with every part of my body to go back up there and stab her, she was taunting me and nobody saw it. I screamed and ran out of the building. I didn’t stop running until I was in the middle of the cemetery.
I stopped and dropped my hands to my knees trying to catch my breath. As I felt my heartbeat start to slow down and my head stop spinning I straightened my back and realized I was standing in the middle of a huge cemetery. Surrounded entirely by the dead. I walked slowly between the tombstones and the mausoleums. I was looking for an open one that I could hide out in for a little while. I came across a large chamber with three stone caskets inside. The gate that covered the entrance was cracked open slightly. I walked in and sat down in one of the corners. I could hear people looking for me outside.
Sitting there I was trying to rationalize what happened inside but I couldn’t get all of the images straight in my head. It was like the whole thing was a jumble. I heard my voice ring out in my head “Michael, you’re ok, this sort of thing happens to our type. You just have to learn how to accept it.” I whispered so as not to be hear “I don’t know if I can do that. I feel like I’m losing my mind.” The voice said “You are, but its ok, it’s a good kind of insane that I bring to you. A freeing kind of insanity.” I sat quietly. Along with the sounds of the people looking for me outside I could hear the faint screams and bangs from the long dead family inside of the casket as they try to get out. I don’t think cemeteries are a place for me anymore.
Edith poked her head around the corner of the door and sighed loudly “I guess this wasn’t the best idea, are you ok?” As she plopped down next to me. I took one huge breath and said “Yeah, you know, I think I am ok. It was just a weird moment. But I think im ok now. Let’s go to the funeral and say our goodbyes.” She said “You are such a strong little man, I am very proud of you.” I got up and gave her my hand to help her off of the floor. I was starting to block out the noises coming from inside the coffins all over the graveyard, but I could still hear them.
The walk to the family mausoleum was torture. I could hear things clawing at the inside of their caskets as I moved through the cemetery. I could make out voices of men, women, and children. I knew that I wasn’t actually hearing them, I knew that they were dead and couldn’t make any noise but that didn’t stop them from doing it. I stood at the mausoleum as a team of men hired by the funeral home carried mothers casket into the room. They lifted it high and lowered it into place inside of a solid marble box. As they lowered her I could hear mother inside saying “Michael, you’re going to do beautiful things, just listen to yourself and follow your gut.” Then a hideous laugh, something between mothers old laugh and a gurgle. I stood there patiently, ignoring all of the noise. The priest was reciting something in Latin, it sounded nice but I had no idea what it meant. For a brief moment I saw a flash of the other me behind the priest with a long spear positioning it to impale him. I laughed out loud just a little and got a terrible look from Edith. I guess that was out of place. I apologized with my eyes and went back to listening.
After the service ended they would use a machine the cover the tomb with a huge slab of marble never to be opened again. I swore that I would never set foot in that cemetery againas we drove away from it. I was exhausted from all of the emotion of the day and couldn’t wait to get home and go to bed. It was all just so much. The drive home was mostly uneventful, it was quiet and nice and I almost fell asleep. We pulled back into the driveway and through the gates. After parking out front we went inside to have dinner. I thought to myself “Wouldn’t it be nice if mother came to dinner tonight?” But then I remembered that I wouldn’t be having dinner with her anymore. It was just me and Edith in this huge house, at least for now.
I went up to my room to change into more comfortable clothes and relax for a little while. Edith went to the kitchen to make dinner. After being out of my room all day and then walking back into it, I realized that it smelled horrible in there. No matter how clean I tried to be, apparently not showering for a week had made quite an impression on my bedroom. I went to the windows and slid them open and turned on a fan hoping to air it out a bit. Plopping down on the couch I tried to let the day process a little. As soon as I started to calm down, I heard my voice again “Well today was fun.” I laughed and looked back at the events of the day. Even though it was a little terrifying at first, it really was fun. It was a rush to see mother move, it was a crazy to feel her cold dry hand on mine. I loved it, I loved every minute of it. “See its great with me here. We are going to have so much fun.” I was ready for the next step.

Jake.Ashworth 02-12-2015 09:13 AM

Dinner was quick and simple, but we ate at the dinner table and talked a little. She seemed just as lost as me. Luckily I wasn’t any more. I knew exactly what was going on. Everything had fallen into place and Edith had served her purpose. Soon I would let the other me have his way with her and it would be messy and a lot of fun. As we sat there eating our dinner I imagined her begging for leniency. She wouldn’t get it. I feel completely at ease with how this week was going to go.
She asked me “Do you want to start classes again on Tomorrow?” I said “That would be great, I need to take my mind off of things. What will we be working on?” She answered “I think we are going to journey into Egypt and the pyramids and mummies.” “That sounds awesome, I can’t wait.” I said. What she didn’t realize is things where about to get really strange for her. I had some plans. I wanted her to know something was wrong but I didn’t want her to know what. I had some ideas.
It started that night. When we finished our dinner I headed straight to bed and left her to the dishes and cleaning. After I went up the stairs and down the hall I stepped into the guest bedroom that was attached to her room. I walked lightly to that my footsteps wouldn’t be heard downstairs. I slid into her bathroom, which brought back flashes of watching Jennifer shower, and completely rearranged all of her toiletries. When I walked back out, I left the door to the guest bathroom about halfway open. Then I went to the storage room. It seemed like a petty thing, but I wanted to get into her head. I wanted her to feel like something happened. I sat patiently and waited. It took about an hour before she came up but I heard her walking down the hall and then I heard her door close. I pressed my eye up against the tiny hole and watched as she walked into the room and then into the bathroom. I heard the water come on and then she reappeared in the bedroom. My eyes where peeled as she stripped out of her clothes. Her body was so different than Jennifer’s. I looked her over and noticed that although still in decent shape she had some areas were her skin drooped down and her breasts hung a lot lower than Jennifer’s. My mind lit up with the thought of cutting those breasts off and keeping them. It would be neat to have a lot of different kinds. She walked back into the bathroom and took her shower. I moved away from the hole and sat there in the dark imagining what it would be like to peel the skin off of Edith. But for the first time I could picture playing with her first. This is going to be so fun.
I heard the water turn off, it must have been about 20 minutes. I moved back against the hole and watched. After another five minutes she came out of the bathroom with a very confused look on her face. She moved very slowly and looked all over. Then she went back into the bathroom and I could see the light from the guest bedroom come on. She must be checking to make sure nobody was in there. It went perfect. I heard her pull the door to the other room closed and then watched her come back out and change into her bed clothes. Now she is doubting herself. One more little push tonight and I will go to bed. I waiting for her to fall asleep and then made my move. I slinked down the hall slowly and quietly, ducked back into the guest bedroom and carefully pushed the bathroom door open again. I had to restrain my laughter as I went down the hall to my room. I thought to myself “That should really get her thinking.” Then the other voice “Why didn’t you just slit her throat right there? This could be over and we could be laying in a puddle of her fresh warm blood.” I snapped back “Listen if we are going to do this, we are doing it on my terms.” Then silence.
The next morning at breakfast Edith looked a bit shaken. While we were eating our eggs she asked “Michael, did you go in my bedroom last night?” I looked at her with my brow furrowed a little and said “Of course not, that’s your space, I get the rest of the house.” She laughed and said “Yeah, sorry, I must be losing my mind. Are you ready for school?” I sent her ahead to the classroom/study and I stayed to cleanup breakfast. After I finished I saw her car keys on the key ring next to the back door. I walked over took them off the hook and slid them into my pocket without making a noise. You won’t be needing these any time soon.
Lessons went fine, about as normal as ever. But during the entire thing I was trying to brainstorm ways to get into Ediths head. I want her to be paranoid, I want to see the fear in her eyes. After we finished up she told me “I think I’m going to rest today Michael, I haven’t been feeling quite right.” I said “I understand, sometimes we just need to recharge our batteries. I think I am going to have a lazy afternoon too.” She headed upstairs as I finished up a little of my classwork, really just buying time until I knew she was gone.
I listened to her footsteps as she ascended the steps and then I heard the faint sound in the big empty house of her door closing. Now to get to work. I got up and went to the desk she used. It was a plain, simple little desk. It had two drawers on the right of the chair and one long skinny one just below the top. I opened the two on the sides and looked at them. Rows of folders and lesson plans all laid out by day. I rearranged them just a little, enough that I knew she would notice. Then I closed those two drawers and pulled the long skinny one out. The first thing I saw was a notebook with Jennifer’s name on it, written in her hand writing. My heart skipped a beat and then I got furious. All I could think at the time was “That bitch left me.” I lifted it out and opened it up. It had all of my grades in each category in it. Mostly A’s because I was pretty damn smart. I closed the folder up and set it aside. There wasn’t much in there to do, but I had this idea. I took a black marker and wrote inside the drawer “I’m coming.” Then put everything back where it belonged and closed the drawer up.
I walked through the house thinking about the last few years and how things have changed. I felt like I was still finding myself. As I wondered through the halls of that huge house looking at all the pictures and details of the fine wood work I realized that this was all mine. It was something that had just crept up on me. The house, the land, everything was mine. Well, until I was 18 it was all mine but through Edith’s old wrinkly hands. I got angry and I heard my voice echo through my head “If you kill her, you can have control now. You can do anything you want.” I ignored him. I was caught up just enjoying my surroundings. I wondered down mother’s hallway. I didn’t really notice where I was until I almost ran into her door. Startled I reached for the knob. The metal of the knob was cold in my hand. I turned the knob and pushed the door open. It swung inward quietly and as it did I saw mother come into view. She was laying on her bed completely naked and staring back at me.
Entranced I walked across the room stepping on piles of dirty clothes and completely ignoring the smell of old food and dust hitting me in the face. I walked around to the side of the bed and looked at her from head to toe. The color of her hair was muted and it was missing in places. Her eyes where milky white and sunk into her head. There was a bluish tint to her lips and her skin looked like it hung loose on her bones. I could see the impression left by the rope around her neck and that excited me. Her breasts where still full and perky. She was raised up on her left arm and her right hand was between her legs. I saw her lips move a little but I didn’t hear anything. I felt myself climb onto the bed to get closer so I could hear her. Again her lips came apart and a sound came out but I still couldn’t make out any words. I leaned in further in and she said “Bleed her dry.” then my hand slipped on the comforter and I fell into my mother’s body. As my head made contact with her face I felt her bones instantly give way and all sorts of bugs burst out of the hole that my head made.
Maggots wriggled across my face. Cockroaches scurried through my hair. I started rolling around on the bed slapping at the bugs trying to get them off of myself. Then it dawned on me that I was laying on top of mother’s body. I shot upright, still swatting at all of the crawling creatures. I looked back expecting to see the destroyed lifeless body of my mother. But all I saw was a plate of some unrecognizable goo that used to be food. The plate was covered in bugs. I looked closely at it and around the room. Mother was nowhere to be found, but I could feel her. I wiped that last few maggots from my face. All I could hear bouncing around in my head was what she said “Bleed her dry.” She was obviously talking about Edith. The time was quickly approaching and I was trying my best to draw out the torture but this undeniable need I was feeling to watch her die was getting stronger. She wouldn’t last much longer in this house.

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