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hammerfan 09-20-2014 04:15 PM

She's so precious and beautiful, cheebs!

cheebacheeba 09-22-2014 04:56 PM

Thank you, I think so too...
I like how she can make me smile, just by being.

ChronoGrl 09-22-2014 05:14 PM

Oh, Cheebs... She's beautiful!

cheebacheeba 07-07-2015 04:53 AM

3 Attachment(s)
By request...still late...
Well its about time I headed in for an update hm?

I've had it in my head not to be "that guy" when it comes to showing his child to others etc, which is why I don't come in too often.

Anyways, update.

So River is now One year, one month and a half.
She has 8 teeth in the front, and a few molars coming in...very quick development in the teeth department, not so much the hair - though I'm happy to report that she's now at least a little fuzzy with some colour coming in.

Always smiling and laughing.

She eats most solid foods now, which is something I'd really longed for, to be able to share with her and watch her try things.
It's so cute, she grabs things from me now when she wants to eat them, she took spals sandwich the other day. She too, has the love of pizza.
She loves toast, and fish, and more often than not prefers our cooking than the shelved food which is awesome, healthier and more financially sound.

She is sitting (AGES ago), standing, has done "coasting" kind of walking, and just yesterday believe it or not, she has started walking.
Sure she can only go about 3-4 steps in a row between objects and people at the moment but if crawling was anything to go by, I'd give it another week.

Her personality is like...I don't know if I've influenced this but she's a bit of a shit-stirrer...in a good way yknow? Sometimes when Spal is trying to settle her, she looks over at me and grins, and she knows, KNOWS this sets me off...then I get in trouble for stirring her. ME. Stirring HER. Riiight.
I wake up with her smiling, and sometimes she does downright demonic growly voices...makes funny sounds, and imitates people.

She is obsessed with remote controls. Doesn't use them, just holds them.

Her vocals are really coming along, she's got g's, t's, m's, d's, "gwa" "oh" and "aa" sounds, and seems to put them together in her own language, and really looks you in the eye when she's talking that baby talk...She seems very adept at figuring out items and how they work too.

So yeah, the sleep routine isn't great but it's settled at least.
I'm happy with her. She impresses me...and I still can't wait, while I know I will miss her baby self, to have our first proper conversation.

Anyways, here's the lady.

hammerfan 07-07-2015 05:09 AM

OMG, she is SO freaking adorable! So glad everyone is happy and healthy!

And, yeah, it's good to see you here. You should stop by more often. ::wink::

cheebacheeba 07-07-2015 05:10 AM

2 Attachment(s)
I also realised, I never showed you guys this...kind of gives a perspective of what size she was right at the start...big changes...

cheebacheeba 07-07-2015 05:28 AM

3 Attachment(s)

OMG, she is SO freaking adorable! So glad everyone is happy and healthy!

And, yeah, it's good to see you here. You should stop by more often.
Thankyou, I feel like, she is one of the most beautiful chicks I have ever known.
You too...yknow, maybe...here and there. Not buried yet.

...and here's a couple more, 'cos I think they're cute. one a while back, couple pretty recent. Pretty eyes, no?

hammerfan 07-07-2015 05:44 AM

Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous little girl!

MovieLover12 07-07-2015 07:13 AM

She could be the one to save this planet from evil!

Repo'd 07-07-2015 07:55 AM

What a beautiful kid! Thanks for the share, and congratulations.

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