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42ndStreetFreak 01-31-2005 01:16 AM

Just popped through the letter box...

An upgrade of "Sudden Impact". Shame it could not have ended here instead of the piss awful "Dead Pool".

"Manos Hands of Fate:MST3K - Annoyed! According to DeepDiscount this has the film on it's own as well as the MST3K version...but all there is is the MST3K version!

filmmaker2 01-31-2005 07:50 AM


They had stacks of VHS copies at the 99 Cents Store, so I bought as many as I could. Make nice little presents. Just put a cute little bow on, and yer all set.

The_Return 01-31-2005 04:00 PM

I had a Zellers gift card that was begging to be used, so I grabbed Mars Attacks! today. Looking forward to it

Tat2 01-31-2005 05:29 PM

Just picked up:

The Alien Quadrilogy
Anatomy (German)
The Punisher (2004)
The Breed

AUSTIN316426808 01-31-2005 11:48 PM

Every year at this time I go out and either rent or go to the theater to see the oscar nominated films (not 100% sure but 97 was my fav year) and it wasn't until I got into blockbuster that I realized that I've seen Ray already and the other four are still at the theater so I just desided since I was already there to blow off the oscar films and just pick up a few movies from blockbuster.

finally picked up some films I've been wanting forever

As Good As It Gets
The Fog
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind(I moronicly rented this enough times to buy it twice, couldn't find it anywhere for sale but I should've just waited)

AUSTIN316426808 02-01-2005 02:50 AM

films I can't find anywhere for some strange reason.

The 6th Sense
A Beautiful Mind
The Punisher('04)
Dog Day Afternoon(I know this is old but you should be able to walk into any video store and find it)

42ndStreetFreak 02-01-2005 03:20 AM

Very fancy, extended 3 disc edition of "Hellboy".

kpropain 02-01-2005 05:33 AM

Recent Purchases

Night Of The Demons

Cannibal Holocaust

Manhattan Baby

Stage Fright

Cannibal Ferox


Hiruko The Goblin


Ichi The Killer

Wizard Of Gore

urgeok 02-01-2005 05:39 AM

i just found a sealed copy of audition in a bargain bin .. 25% off..
in a mainstream music store in a mall no less.
the same place i gound the 1st two seasons of Land of the Lost ..

even the kick ass specialty store i go to doesnt have them

42ndStreetFreak 02-01-2005 05:41 AM


Originally posted by kpropain
Recent Purchases

Cannibal Holocaust

Stage Fright

Cannibal Ferox



Ichi The Killer

Wizard Of Gore

Some very good and/or interesting stuff there!

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