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slasherman 05-03-2005 05:21 PM

Looks cool....(still playing number 1)

Stronghold 2

dantehorrorfan 05-03-2005 10:34 PM

Silent Hill 3







Sedated_replica 05-03-2005 11:44 PM

I've been playing K-1 grand prix, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, Fallout 2.

They had a sell at my video game store next to my house. 3 classic games for 15 dollars!

I bought Mario Kart 64, Mario Party, Rayman 2. I saved 40 dollars. Suck it!

ChEEbA 05-04-2005 12:11 AM

Suck it?
'Cpet, it's hard to suck something so small it generates its own vacuum, skinhead.

On topic -
Playing throught "from dusk til dawn" on pc.
Storyline works like a sequel to the first movie...seems Seth Gecko decided the best thing to do after making it through a life endangering vampire experience, and making it across the border despite being chased down by the law, noteably with a sizeable amount of cash...would be turning himself in to the authorities, and confessing to his involvement in the crimes...
Not surprisingly with his brother dead, the full wrap is put on him, and yeah = jail time. Setting, similar to the jail shown in face-off, only without any cool magnetic leg clamps.
The story from then on end gets a little ridiculous. Vampire con arrives to save his brother from execution, vamps a few people, the infection spreads = jail full 'o vamps.
You escape, pick up a taser, and off you go.
It's not really very well made. Your character (Seth) moves around in a slow and awkward way, combat is not only cramped and difficult, but at times but quite boring...not to mention dissapointing, I mean, you're up against vampires, you'd think you got to use some improvisational weapons... ? Nope, just guns, and yeah, same shit over and over again.
The graphics are...well...alright I suppose, but the game is a few years old now. The npc's are quite fun, even if all they do is shoot the badguys with you...
There are also a few HUGE glitches, like walking into walls and getting stuck, falling through the floors and dying, and missing "door open" queues, getting trapped inside or outside certain places, forcing you to restore to the last save point.
In all fairness, overall, it's "ok" - A little frustrating at times, and just...not very good. It's not yet pissed me off enough to ditch it though.
Maybe worth a look for fans of the movie.

AUSTIN316426808 05-04-2005 05:03 AM

MVP Baseball

I was horrible when I first started playing but now I've got the hang of it.

barbra 05-04-2005 10:24 AM


Originally posted by Sedated_replica
I've been playing K-1 grand prix, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, Fallout 2.

They had a sell at my video game store next to my house. 3 classic games for 15 dollars!

I bought Mario Kart 64, Mario Party, Rayman 2. I saved 40 dollars. Suck it!

no body beats me at mario kart. I would stomp a mud hole in that ass

oh yeah, and Im playing bad fur day.. again

Sedated_replica 05-04-2005 01:37 PM


Originally posted by barbra
no body beats me at mario kart. I would stomp a mud hole in that ass

oh yeah, and Im playing bad fur day.. again

Any time Barbra. Mario Kart face off. Toad is the man. I love N64 Mario Kart. I have it on Gamecube too, but I like the N64 version better.

barbra 05-04-2005 01:40 PM


Originally posted by Sedated_replica
Any time Barbra. Mario Kart face off. Toad is the man. I love N64 Mario Kart. I have it on Gamecube too, but I like the N64 version better.
nope nope, Im toad, cause he's THA MAN! find a place where we can play it online or something so I can dominate you. the 64 version owns, three words... bring it on

ChEEbA 05-04-2005 02:23 PM

I think the girl would win...that is, the ACTUAL female.

Faceless_Dante 05-05-2005 01:11 PM

silent hill 3 still damn i dont know what the fuck to do!!!!!!! can anybody help me out!!!!!????

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