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_____V_____ 01-23-2013 09:44 AM


What a wonderful little film! Recommended to everyone who loves a nice little intriguing, lip-biting fantasy tale with an injection of sci-fi. Superb premise, excellent actors and super-tight direction. Be warned though, it might feel slow at times.

* * * *

Dara 01-24-2013 12:21 AM

Extremely loud and incredibly close.The reviews suggested it was going to be an interesting watch.I hated it,just because a film has the main character doing a narrative throughout does not make a film inspiring,heartwarming or indeed 'good'.There's an hour and a half off my life which I'll never get back.

roshiq 01-24-2013 01:48 AM

Flight (2012)


>>: B+

Ice Pik 01-25-2013 04:44 AM

Let Me In - 8/10

Good movie with a good plot. Not really a jump scene horror film but great still. Loved the fact they kept true to the vampire "rules" like the inviting in and puzzles. Deff recomend watching it if you haven't.

V/H/S - 2/10

I'm not really sure what I was watching and why? Stop watching it after an hour. Boring movie and just weird.

Midnight Movie - 5/10

Nothing really special and kinda cheesy. I would say it's one of the "I'm bored" movies. Not a good watch but not a bad one.

Angra 01-25-2013 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by Ice Pik (Post 944107)
Let Me In - 8/10

Good movie with a good plot. Not really a jump scene horror film but great still. Loved the fact they kept true to the vampire "rules" like the inviting in and puzzles. Deff recomend watching it if you haven't.


The original was my favorite movie of the year. Period.

But the remake was more than decent.

roshiq 01-25-2013 10:32 AM

Back from Hell (2011)


Found footage flick, from Italy...horrible!

>>: F

The Man with the Iron Fists (2012)


Written by RZA (also directed!) and Eli Roth; very average, mildly entertaining but worth a watch for those few hot Asian chicks;).

>>: C

Django Unchained (2012)


Absolute blast! Loved it; the best Tarantino flick since KILL BILL, IMO!

>>: A

The Horror fan 01-25-2013 12:34 PM

Never heard off Back from Hell. I might give it a go!

Prom Night III: The Last Kiss (1990)

This third movie in the series which ends up being a really fun comedy at times.

If you looking for Horror movie this is not one at all, As this sequel to second bring back Mary lou again.

This movie was no were near as good as Part 2, I not sure if liked this better then first at the moment.

I did find some of this movie more fun to watch then the first prom night movie.

Some of the deaths were very, what that word I am looking for, Fizzy , yeah go with that.

I didn't really like Hell scene in the movie, seem out of the place and the acting in this movie was not bad,

I give 4/5 out of 10

Prom Night IV: Deliver Us from Evil (1992)


So second time in series, this movies to new story, this as got nothing to with any of the ones before.

However the opening scene is might to be the same night Mary Lou died by the fire in part 2, However as that happen out side a crazy priest killed two of teens who were having sex,

Few years later Prince is back and start the killing spear off again and kills anyone is having any Sex.

This movie got to bit more serious then the last two movies in the series

I thought the story was little weak for this series, I didn't fact the series went from comedy to serious again,

I Thought the movie was very slow and I didn't think the movie that creepy or scary and the movie wasn't that fun to watch.

the acting was really good from the whole cast

Not sure what to rate at the moment!

Prom Night (2008/I)
I have seen first prom night movie, I thought it was really dull and boring wit some decent acting from older actors playing teens.

This is not real remake too the Prom Night (1980), it' nothing like first movie at all.

This movie start off with fake scene or dream she telling some one that family were being killed.

I did like that scene in that movie, I thought it was very decent scene but it's shame it fake scene in way. that the best of the movie.

I found the rest of the movie really dull at times, I didn't really like Killer or the way he killed people off, the kills were all the same, the ones that were not of screen.

The acting wasn't too bad but the story was very bland from the start to the end.

How the movie was very predicable too, I don't think was the worst slasher movie I seen, I seem a lot worse then this.

However I don't think this was better or worse then first prom night movie.

ChronoGrl 01-25-2013 04:48 PM

The Road (2011)


Disappointing. Slow. Not really good.


Lawless (2012)


Extremely well done, well-written, and well-acted character piece. Loved the costumes and scenery and found the characters truly compelling. I wasn't feeling great during the watch, so I found it boring at times, but the fiance liked it a lot. Recommend it? Sure.


Killer Joe (2011)


Meh. I've seen enough Bad-People-Who-Do-Bad-Things films and this didn't really strike a chord with me as particularly different or enjoyable. I know that Fortunato loved it, but just not my thing. I'm sure folks here will like it but - meh.


The Butterfly Effect (2004)


My first time watching this and I was actually really impressed. I mean, ASHTON KUTCHER - Didn't really expect this to be good at all... But, honestly, I thought that it was a very clever and well-done modern sci-fi tale. It's little trick gets silly after a while, but honestly I liked the way that it played out. Ultimately melancholic and a good watch. Really liked it. I think I saw Part III when it premiered with the After Dark films and though that wasn't so bad either. Hmmm... Wonder about Part II...


The Bay (2012)


Yick. I mean, seriously, ICK. This movie made me want to bathe myself in rubbing alcohol, never drink tap water again and never, EVER go swimming. Suffice to say, it was an incredibly successful outbreak film; horrifying, sad, disgusting, and well-done. My only complaint is that the narrator was weak and often didn't emote properly given the subject matter. Other than that, I was genuinely surprised. As long as you're not sick of Found Footage yet, give it a try.

newb 01-25-2013 05:47 PM

The Divide

not a happy feeling movie by any means....enjoyed the acting..story was a bit thin

John Dies At The End

freaky fucked up movie ...I liked it

Ice Pik 01-25-2013 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by newb (Post 944157)
The Divide
John Dies At The End

freaky fucked up movie ...I liked it

Elaborate, please?

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