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Sculpt 12-22-2018 09:40 AM

Krampus (2015)

An extended family that doesn't get along so well are beseeched by a winter storm over Christmas, and also attacked by the anti-Saint Nicholas creature Krampus and his minions.

Good production value, cinematography, sound and effects. Some holiday dedication to family matters and characters. It's always a bit unsettling when the family adults and dropping F-bombs among young children -- those type of things degrade the possible deep family bond that we'd want to intensify the threat of the villains and contrast the cold void of the villains.

Perhaps a classic case of a film not knowing what it wants to be, too many chefs, trying to be everything. It would have been easy to clean it up and bit and become an effective family film -- which is not to say it would be for kids, nor just 'safe' for kids, but would be enjoyable to adults as a family film, which seems to be a lost concept.

Angra 12-22-2018 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Sculpt (Post 1035841)
Krampus (2015)

An extended family that doesn't get along so well are beseeched by a winter storm over Christmas, and also attacked by the anti-Saint Nicholas creature Krampus and his minions.

Good production value, cinematography, sound and effects. Some holiday dedication to family matters and characters. It's always a bit unsettling when the family adults and dropping F-bombs among young children -- those type of things degrade the possible deep family bond that we'd want to intensify the threat of the villains and contrast the cold void of the villains.

Perhaps a classic case of a film not knowing what it wants to be, too many chefs, trying to be everything. It would have been easy to clean it up and bit and become an effective family film -- which is not to say it would be for kids, nor just 'safe' for kids, but would be enjoyable to adults as a family film, which seems to be a lost concept.

Finally managed to watch it the whole way through and I can only agree with your rating. I was honestly bored all the way through.

Morningriser 12-23-2018 09:40 AM

A simple favor... ugh!

More like a simple steaming pile. Yet another movie completely and deliberately misrepresented in the trailer because the filmmakers knew what a piece of shit it was but still wanted to deceive people anyway into going to see a completely unrealistic movie about people who are so fucking terrible, they probably wouldn't live to be the ages they are without somebody shooting them in the head out of anger first who are treating this really naive girl like garbage and yet she waits on them hand and foot and inconveniences their life when a stupid bitch goes missing. This movie angered me at how poorly written it was and how obnoxious it is. I tried and I couldn't finish it. I know people are assholes but this goes a little beyond belief. I would recommend this movie about as much as I would recommend shooting yourself in the foot. If it's your thing go for it, but don't say I didn't warn you first.

Tommy Jarvis 12-23-2018 10:51 AM

The Mist: In spite of knowing the outcome through youtube, this turned out to be an enjoyable watch. A crushing end, perhaps even made worse by the realisation that the religious whackos would probably get saved as well.

DeadbeatAtDawn 12-23-2018 03:00 PM

14 Cameras, 2018. 6/10

Thumb resize.

Morningriser 12-23-2018 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by DeadbeatAtDawn (Post 1035855)
14 Cameras, 2018. 6/10

Thumb resize.

I know you probably don't give a shit about what I have to say but this movie just seen weird. I mean if you take the elements of the first one and apply it to this one, it doesn't make a lot of sense that the guy didn't accept the offer considering what kind of a Maniac he was to begin with. It's weird that I pick really weird shit like that out of movies and if there's something that bothers me it ruins the whole thing. Maybe I'm a bit OCD or something.

DeadbeatAtDawn 12-23-2018 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by Morningriser (Post 1035857)
I know you probably don't give a shit about what I have to say but this movie just seen weird. I mean if you take the elements of the first one and apply it to this one, it doesn't make a lot of sense that the guy didn't accept the offer considering what kind of a Maniac he was to begin with. It's weird that I pick really weird shit like that out of movies and if there's something that bothers me it ruins the whole thing. Maybe I'm a bit OCD or something.

Hey despite our differences of the past, I always respect your opinion on film, art and music. You are well versed on all three; very intelligent.

I didn't care for 13 or this one really. Although in 14 he was much more disgusting.

Morningriser 12-23-2018 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by DeadbeatAtDawn (Post 1035860)
Hey despite our differences of the past, I always respect your opinion on film, art and music. You are well versed on all three; very intelligent.

I didn't care for 13 or this one really. Although in 14 he was much more disgusting.

I've let go of those things and yeah I do pick at you every now and then but I don't hold any ill feelings. In a way he did me a favor but I was in a really rough Place back then. Anyway... I liked the first one pretty well but this one was a bit odd considering the part about him refusing to sell the girl and the thing about his son. I like the first one a lot more but with this one the only thing I really liked was the dark web Parts because for some reason something about the dark web fascinates me.

DeadbeatAtDawn 12-24-2018 07:53 AM

No Escape Room. 2018. 5/10


Black Christmas, 2006. 9/10


Angra 12-24-2018 04:12 PM

“Bird Box” 7/10

The Happening meets The Mist and A Quiet Place.

First horror movie from director Susanne Bier and not a bad effort.

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