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idoneus1957 05-18-2018 07:06 AM

my favorite Ernest movie
My favorite is Ernest Goes to Jail.

It's my personal opinion that Jim Varney had a hell of a lot more talent than Jim Carrey, and the only reason the critics didn't notice this is pure snobbery. The ernest movies are aimed at an audience that is southern, rural, and working class.

Check out Varney's double role in E. goes to Jail, or the scene in that movie where they tell Ernest he has to seem like a criminal, so he does a bunch of rapid-fire impressions of famous movie criminals.

and the scenes in that movie with the magnetized Ernest and the metal objects is like something out of classic silent comedy.

idoneus1957 05-18-2018 07:09 AM

alice krige
Alice Krige is good in horror movies because she is simultaneously beautiful and a little creepy.
Sleepwalkers has to be the crummiest Stephen King movie ever, but Alice Krige was hot, as usual.

idoneus1957 05-18-2018 07:11 AM

The problem with all those sequels is they get crummier and crummier until you forget how good the first movie was.

idoneus1957 05-18-2018 07:15 AM

sleepy hollow, etc.
My friend thought Sleepy Hollow was repetitious. Well, the add warned us "Heads will roll!"

The problem with Let's scare Jessica to death is that they left you in doubt as to whether it's all in her mind. Some people like that sort of thing, but I like to know

LuvablePsycho 05-18-2018 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by idoneus1957 (Post 1031097)
My favorite is Ernest Goes to Jail.

It's my personal opinion that Jim Varney had a hell of a lot more talent than Jim Carrey, and the only reason the critics didn't notice this is pure snobbery. The ernest movies are aimed at an audience that is southern, rural, and working class

Yeah I hate critics too because they really are a bunch of snobs. I learned a long time ago to judge things for myself and not to listen to the opinions of critics. I don't understand why more people don't do the same.

idoneus1957 05-19-2018 08:53 AM

Those stupid critics
It's difficult for me to find out if a horror movie is good from a review in the New York Times, because they regard all of them as cheap popular trash. Sometimes the review with the reviewer basically saying "This is just a horror movie, so f**k it."

Example: the review of The Frighteners said that the plot was incoherent. So when I saw it on tv, I looked carefully for holes in the plot. I couldn't find any. I think that the reviewer figured that since it was a horror movie, he was not required to pay any attention to the plot, so he had trouble following the plot.

In that movie, it must have been a great change of pace for Dee Wallace to play a bad girl when she is always cast as a good girl. It's like Diane Wiest: after years of always playing someone's mother, she got to play a man-eating vamp in Bullets over Broadway.

One reason I like the frighteners is I'm always liked Trini Alvaredo. But why is Trini Alvaredo a girl, and Trini Lopez (the singer, "Lemon Tree") a guy?

idoneus1957 05-19-2018 08:55 AM

Why attack of the k. tomatoes doesn't really work
It's better when cult midnight movies kind of happen by accident. If you start out to make a cult midnight movie, the odds are you won't succeed.

But I love the Attack of the K. Tomatoes theme song.

idoneus1957 05-19-2018 08:58 AM

Bride of Chucky
When I watched Bride of Chucky, I wanted to skip the scary parts and just hang my horny eyeballs on Jennifer Tilly.

LuvablePsycho 05-19-2018 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by idoneus1957 (Post 1031112)
When I watched Bride of Chucky, I wanted to skip the scary parts and just hang my horny eyeballs on Jennifer Tilly.

I liked Bride of Chucky because other than the fact that they were serial killers turned into dolls Chucky and Tiffany were like a very real couple. They had fights and arguments but you could tell that they also genuinely enjoyed being with each other (and murdering together lol).

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