View Full Version : /x/ and creepypasta

12-09-2009, 09:38 PM
As I have found out, you guys don't really frequent 4chan but there is a board on there called /x/ filled with paranormal stories. Cleverly enough the people on there are called /x/philes. haha

There is also a thing called creepypasta which is defined as:

"Any form of writing, usually fictional, that is read mainly for the purpose of spooking the reader. Anybody can write creepypasta, and there is a large collection of creepypasta on the internet. Creepypasta doesn't go through any approval processes — rather, the more the /x/ imageboard requests a certain story, the more reputation it gains. This is how the more well known pieces of creepypasta became successful."

I'm basically gonna use this space to post my favourite /x/ hoaxes, and posts from www.creepypasta.net

12-09-2009, 09:44 PM

NetNostalgia Forum - Television (local)


Subject: Candle Cove local kid's show?

Does anyone remember this kid's show? It was called Candle Cove and I must have been 6 or 7, I never found reference to it anywhere so I think it was on a local station around 1971 or 1972. I lived in Ironton at the time. I don't remember which station, but I do remember it was on at a weird time, like 4:00 PM.


Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid's show?

it seems really familiar to me.....i grew up outside of ashland and was 9 yrs old in 72. candle cov...wasit about pirates? i remember a pirate marionete at the mouth of a cave talking to a little girl


Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid's show?

YES! Okay I'm not crazy! I remember Pirate Percy. I was always kind of scared of him. He looked like he was built from parts of other dolls, real low-budget. His head was an old porcelain baby doll, looked like an antique that didn't belong on the body. I don't remember what station this was! I don't think it was WTSF though.


Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid's show?

Sorry to ressurect this old thread but I know exactly what show you mean, Skyshale. I think Candle Cove ran for only a couple months in '71, not '72. I was 12 and I watched it a few times with my brother. It was channel 58, whatever station that was. My mom would let me switch to it after the news- Let me see what I remember.

It took place in Candle cove, and it was about a little girl who imagined herself to be friends with pirates. The pirate ship was called the Laughingstock, and Pirate Percy wasn't a very good pirate because he got scared too easily. And there was calliope music constantly playing. Don't remember the girl's name. Janice or Jade or something. Think it was Janice.


Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid's show?

Thank you Jaren!!! Memories flooded back when you mentioned the Laughingstock and channel 58. I remember the bow of the ship was a wooden smiling face, with the lower jaw submerged. It looked like it was swallowing the sea and it had that awful Ed Wynn voice and laugh. I especially remember how jarring it was when they switched from the wooden/plastic model, to the foam puppet version of the head that talked.


Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid's show?

ha ha i remember now too. :) do you remember this part skyshale: "you have...to go...INSIDE"


Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid's show?

Ugh mike, I got a chill reading that. Yes I remember. That's what the ship always told Percy when there was a spooky place he had to go in, like a cave or a dark room where the treasure was. And the camera would push in on Laughingstock's face with each pause. YOU HAVE... TO GO... INSIDE. With his two eyes askew and that flopping foam jaw and the fishing line that opened and closed it. Ugh. It just looked so cheap and awful.

You guys remember the villain? He had a face that was just a handlebar mustache above really tall, narrow teeth.


Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid's show?

i honestly, honestly thought the villain was pirate percy- i was about 5 when this show was on. nightmare fuel.


Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid's show?

That wasn't the villain, the puppet with the mustache. That was the villain's sidekick, Horace Horrible. He had a monocle too, but it was on top of the mustache. I used to think that meant he had only one eye. But yeah, the villain was another marionette. The Skin-Taker. I can't believe what they let us watch back then.


Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid's show?

jesus h. christ, the skin taker. what kind of a kids show were we watching? i seriously could not look at the screen when the skin taker showed up. he just descended out of nowhere on his strings, just a dirty skeleton wearing that brown top hat and cape. and his glass eyes that were too big for his skull. christ almighty.


Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid's show?

Wasn't his top hat and cloak all sewn up crazily? Was that supposed to be children's skin??


Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid's show?

yeah i think so. rememer his mouth didn't open and close, his jaw just slid back and foth. i remember the little girl said "why does your mouth move like that" and the skin-taker didn't look at the girl but at the camera and said "TO GRIND YOUR SKIN"


Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid's show?

I'm so relieved that other people remember this terrible show! I used to have this awful memory, a bad dream I had where the opening jingle ended, the show faded in from black, and all the characters were there, but the camera was just cutting to each of their faces, and they were just screaming, and the puppets and marionettes were flailing spastically, and just all screaming, screaming- The girl was just moaning and crying like she had been through hours of this- I woke up many times from that nightmare- I used to wet the bed when I had


Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid's show?

i don't think that was a dream. i remember that. i remember that was an episode.


Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid's show?

No no no, not possible. There was no plot or anything, I mean literally just standing in place crying and screaming for the whole show.


Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid's show?

maybe i'm manufacturing the memory because you said that, but i swear to god i remember seeing
what you described. they just screamed.

Jaren 2005

Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid's show?
Oh God. Yes. The little girl, Janice, I remember seeing her shake. And the Skin-Taker screaming through his gnashing teeth, his jaw careening so wildly I thought it would come off its wire hinges. I turned it off and it was the last time I watched. I ran to tell my brother and we didn't have the courage to turn it back on.


Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid's show?

i visited my mom today at the nursing home. i asked her about when i was littel in the early 70s, when i was 8 or 9 and if she remebered a kid's show, candle cove. she said she was suprised i could remember that and i asked why, and she said "because i used to think it was so strange that you said 'i'm gona go watch candle cove now mom' and then you would tune the tv to static and juts watch dead air for 30 minutes. you had a big imagination with your little pirate show."

Since the creation of this hoax a youtube video has popped up of the screaming scene from Candle Cove. It's not particularly scary, but the comments where people claim that "all they see is static" or that they remember the show are what really makes me wonder about all my favourite kids shows.

12-09-2009, 09:58 PM
Ghostwatch (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghostwatch) is another one of my favourite hoaxes. I watched it about 4 or 5 years ago on the Scream channel and immediately went into researching why the show has never been played in the UK since it originally aired.

Basically it's a faux documentary presented as a live BBC broadcast, following a little girl who claims her house is haunted. Since there were a lot of television shows about hauntings, and paranormal research at the time, and the use of real tv personalities, I can see why people would have believed this hoax at the time.

Here's a link (http://ghostwatchbtc.blogspot.com/)to a blog with some info that was collected for a documentary, about Ghostwatch (that may, or may not ever happen).

12-09-2009, 10:11 PM
This (http://x.datchan.org/images/1/1b/Thegrifter.jpg) picture is a screencap of a /x/ post about "The Grifter". This (http://x.datchan.org/images/1/1b/Thegrifter.jpg) article explains the hoax a lot better than I can.

Basically The Grifter is a story posted by a 4channer explaining a movie that was much like the vhs in Ringu. When you watch it you feel disturbed, maybe even kill yourself. He claimed that the video called "The Grifter" was posted on /x/ in 2008 but was quicky burried because it was too disturbing. For a week after it was posted people were freaking out over the validity of the post, looking for links to the video, and eventually the hoax caught on and /b/ came to troll any believers. The believers and trolls all seemed to disappear after some film school students recognized the screen caps from a movie called "Little Otik" and the original poster admitted to the hoax. Case closed.

12-09-2009, 10:51 PM
A few friends and I have been exchanging these all night. This one made us flinch a bit.

A man, at about the age of 30 went to a hotel and walked up to the front desk to check-in. The woman at the desk gave him his key and all, and told him that on the way to his room, there was a door with no number that was locked and no one was allowed in there. So he went to his room, and went to bed. The next night he was curious as to what was in the room, so he walked down the hall to where it was and of course tried the handle. Sure enough it was locked. So he bent down and looked through the keyhole. What he saw was a hotel bedroom and in the corner was a woman whose skin was completely white. She was leaning up against a wall and her head was facing the wall. He stared in confusion for a while then went back to his room. The next day, he went back to the room and looked through the keyhole. This time, all he saw was redness. He couldn’t make anything out besides a distinct red color, un-moving.

At this point he was confused and a little freaked out. He went to the front desk and asked the lady about the room. She sighed and said, "Did you look through the keyhole?" The man told her that he had and the lady said, "Well, I might as well tell you the story. A long time ago, a man murdered his wife in that room, and her ghost haunts it. But these people were not ordinary. They were white all over, except for their eyes, which are red."

12-09-2009, 11:02 PM
Well, congrats MissM - Candle Cove has now officially destroyed a large portion of my mind and freaked me right. the fuck. out.

I'll check the rest out when I'm not to terrified to move. Not sure why that got to me so bad - maybe I'm just overtired. Also watched the video on YouTube - far more disturbing than you'd lead us to think.

12-09-2009, 11:11 PM
Well, congrats MissM - Candle Cove has now officially destroyed a large portion of my mind and freaked me right. the fuck. out.

I'll check the rest out when I'm not to terrified to move. Not sure why that got to me so bad - maybe I'm just overtired. Also watched the video on YouTube - far more disturbing than you'd lead us to think.

Hence my facebook status "Fuck Candle Cove!". My friend Dan and I are questioning the existence of every show we watched as kids. The worst part is, even if we do google it and find other people agreeing that it's real... doesn't mean it is. ;)

12-10-2009, 12:26 AM
Jesus H. Christ...WHY did you introduce me to this site? Petrifying doesn't even cut it:

A few years ago, a mother and father decided they needed a break, so they wanted to head out for a night on the town. They called their most trusted babysitter. When the babysitter arrived, the two children were already fast asleep in bed. So the babysitter just got to sit around and make sure everything was okay with the children. Later that night, the babysitter got bored and went to watch TV, but she couldn't watch it downstairs because they did not have cable downstairs (the parents didn't want children watching too much garbage). So, she called them and asked them if she could watch cable in the parent's room. Of course, the parents said it was ok, but the babysitter had one final request… she asked if she could cover up the angel statue outside the bedroom window with a blanket or cloth, at the very least close the blinds, because it made her nervous. The phone line was silent for a moment, and the father who was talking to the babysitter at the time said, "Take the children and get out of the house… we will call the police. We do not have an angel statue."

The police found all three of the house occupants dead within three minutes of the call. No angel statue was ever found.

12-10-2009, 12:30 AM
Just a question about 4chan.

Are parts of it work safe? Most of stories I've heard are about /b/ and their life destroying antics which are sometimes amusing and justified. However I have heard that the board posts a lot of 'illegal' porn. For this reason I have never visited it..

Ghostwatch was great - it really freaked people out in the UK at the time especially as it was done with a big name BBC presenters. It was hard to believe a 'War of the Worlds' incident would happen again on national TV..

12-10-2009, 12:35 AM
Just a question about 4chan.

Are parts of it work safe? Most of stories I've heard are about /b/ and their life destroying antics which are sometimes amusing and justified. However I have heard that the board posts a lot of 'illegal' porn. For this reason I have never visited it..

Ghostwatch was great - it really freaked people out in the UK at the time especially as it was done with a big name BBC presenters. It was hard to believe a 'War of the Worlds' incident would happen again on national TV..

No. 4chan is assumed to never be sfw. I'm on /x/ right now and I expected just some Norway Blue comet ufo posts, I've counted half a dozen nudes, most of which were penises. Also, real pictures of dead people.

12-10-2009, 12:43 AM
Jesus H. Christ...WHY did you introduce me to this site? Petrifying doesn't even cut it:

I know, really....I was lurking and checked it out. For some reason this kind of thing really creeps me out. :o

Though I have heard the one about the statue, only it was a clown (so even MORE terrifying to me...haha), they used it in the movie Amusement. Creepy as hell.

12-10-2009, 12:50 AM
Stumbled on this one a few weeks ago, and just found it again.

A young girl walking home from school found a small pile of Polaroid photos lying in the gutter. There were twenty in all, neatly wrapped in a rubber band. She picked them up, and as she walked she started to browse. The first photo was that of a ghostly white man on a black background, standing just far enough away from the camera that she couldn’t make out his features.

The girl slid the photo to the back of the stack and looked at the next one. The photo was of the same man now standing a bit closer.

The girl flipped through the next several photos quickly. With each one the man in the picture came a bit closer and his features were a bit clearer.

Turning the last corner to her house, the girl noticed that the man in the photos seems to be looking at her even when she moved the stack from side to side. It frightened her, but she kept flipping them over, one by one.

By the nineteenth picture, the man was so close his face completely filled the frame. His expression was the most horrifying the girl had ever seen. Walking up the driveway, she turned to the last photo.

This time, instead of an image, there were two words: "Close enough".

Hearing a scream outside their house, the girl’s brother rushed to the door and opened it. All he saw was a pile of photographs lying on the doorstep. The top one looked like an extremely pale version of his sister, but she was standing too far back for him to be sure.

12-10-2009, 12:57 AM
It's 5am. Just realized I've been reading these since 10. Too scared to walk from here to my room though cause I'm in a basement and the wind is making my house creeky.

12-10-2009, 01:00 AM
It's 5am. Just realized I've been reading these since 10. Too scared to walk from here to my room though cause I'm in a basement and the wind is making my house creeky.

Have you read the PLEASE WAKE UP one?

12-10-2009, 01:05 AM
Have you read the PLEASE WAKE UP one?

No, do I want to? I think I just got up the courage to head upstairs. I've had to go pee for 3 hours haha damn tiny bladder/tea drinking habit.

12-10-2009, 01:06 AM

12-10-2009, 01:11 AM
No, do I want to? I think I just got up the courage to head upstairs. I've had to go pee for 3 hours haha damn tiny bladder/tea drinking habit.

Yes, you want to read it:

It has been reported that some victims of extreme violence, during the act, would retreat into a fantasy world from which they could not WAKE UP. In this catatonic state, the victim lived in a world just like their normal one, except they weren’t being tortured. The only way that they realized they needed to WAKE UP was a note they found in their fantasy world. It would tell them about their condition, and tell them to WAKE UP. Even then, it would often take months until they were ready to discard their fantasy world and PLEASE WAKE UP.

12-10-2009, 01:13 AM
Yes, you want to read it:

Oh shit. I did read it, but it wasn't capitalized in the one I found. Right over my head. Holy shit.

12-10-2009, 01:18 AM
Oh shit. I did read it, but it wasn't capitalized in the one I found. Right over my head. Holy shit.

Can you say "mindfuck" much?

12-10-2009, 01:20 AM
FUCK. I was literally about to get up to go to bed. "Just one more story." and I get this:

Its late, but still a few more hours before the sun comes up. You're browsing the same sites you always do when you want to get creeped out. Suddenly, it happens, the hairs on your neck stand up, and momentarily, you shiver as your imagination goes to work on the story or that video you just saw. And you think, theres no way you could go to sleep now, and thats good. You feel tempted to look around the room, or get up and close the blinds, or turn the light on, don't. Just keep browsing, or pretend if you have too, and try not to notice the reflection you see in the monitor. Remember its just a few more hours until the sun comes up.

Fuck this shit!

12-10-2009, 07:02 AM
Ghostwatch was something like number 30 on the 100 greatest scary moments. The clips I saw made it look pretty damn real!

Most of those stories have ended up in my inbox as chain letters many, many times.

The photograph one was good.

12-10-2009, 07:28 AM
Ghostwatch was something like number 30 on the 100 greatest scary moments. The clips I saw made it look pretty damn real!

Plus at the time people thought it was a live broadcast..

12-10-2009, 01:58 PM
Plus at the time people thought it was a live broadcast..

Jesus, I would have been crapping my wee little pants.

12-10-2009, 03:18 PM
Cute little story
As Jake trudged through the cornfield, he recalled the argument he'd had that morning with his Pa. “But they've only been up a month– they don't need changin'!”, he had yelled. “Yes they do, Jake, every one! And I want that first scarecrow replaced by sundown!”

He shifted the heavy bag slung over his shoulder and cursed at himself for not thinking of something more clever to say. He clutched the stepladder in his other arm like a lance, and fantasized about different endings to the fight. “I do all the work,” he thought to himself, “and just once I’d like some say-so as to how and when things get done.”

Striding up to the stoic figure, he put the bag down and planted the ladder. “Damn things last almost two months with proper care,” he fumed as he stepped up. He pulled off the garish hood and was met with a chorus of buzzing horse flies. Jake had just enough time to see the the boy’s glazed eyes, and the dried blood in his nostrils, before the head slumped forward.

“Huh…” he mused, “Pa was right.”

12-10-2009, 04:20 PM
One of my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE online horror stories. Definitely creeps me out when I read it:


12-10-2009, 04:22 PM
My favorite CreepyPasta today (like Deep Thoughts but BETTER):

In 1962, the popular crayon manufacturer Crayola was forced to change the name of its "Flesh" color to "Peach." Many people believe this was a response to the civil rights movement, but that is only partly accurate. In reality, Crayola was running out of skin donors.


12-10-2009, 04:33 PM
^^ haha awesome :D

12-10-2009, 04:59 PM

12-10-2009, 05:03 PM

That IS creepy pasta. Thank you, Sir.

12-10-2009, 05:35 PM
Ron Howard is the Antichrist

12-10-2009, 05:42 PM
Ron Howard is the Antichrist

I used to think so, but DAMN I loves that Arrested Development.

12-10-2009, 07:08 PM
laptop on my chest perusing the net in bed before dozing off,as usual
...spent the last hour reading creepypasta

I'm spooked

I admit it


and I have to pee

real bad


12-10-2009, 08:33 PM
One of my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE online horror stories. Definitely creeps me out when I read it:


Haha, nice. I really enjoyed the ending. I seem to like the stories that could be real, like getting a chain letter of some story or something.

12-27-2009, 01:11 PM
This one definitely creeped me out. The writing isn't fantastic, but it's like describing a horrible nightmare...


12-27-2009, 01:20 PM
As I have found out, you guys don't really frequent 4chan but there is a board on there called /x/ filled with paranormal stories. Cleverly enough the people on there are called /x/philes. haha

There is also a thing called creepypasta which is defined as:

"Any form of writing, usually fictional, that is read mainly for the purpose of spooking the reader. Anybody can write creepypasta, and there is a large collection of creepypasta on the internet. Creepypasta doesn't go through any approval processes — rather, the more the /x/ imageboard requests a certain story, the more reputation it gains. This is how the more well known pieces of creepypasta became successful."

I'm basically gonna use this space to post my favourite /x/ hoaxes, and posts from www.creepypasta.net

Also - I don't "get" 4chan and it makes me feel old and "out of touch" with the culture of the Internets (this has come up before with YOU and your talk of TWEETS and MEMES and #WHATHAVEYOU). When I try to surf around it, I get a lot of hentai. Now there's nothing wrong with hentai, but when I want hentai, I'll search for hentai!

Example: I assume that this is the board you're talking about:


The ad across the top is for hentai and I scroll down and I see pics of women's nether regions! :eek:

MM! Where are you SENDING me?! GET OFF MY LAWN!


It could just be that I'm retarded; I've become a UI snob and when I hit a site that has an awful User Interface I get really frustrated with it... I honestly don't know what I'm looking at here. Please explain for us old unhip folks.

12-27-2009, 04:38 PM
Well Chrono you must be searching for hentai, cause I am under the impression that your ads are interest based. For example, yesterday I was searching for Gingerale flavoured kit-kat bars, and j-pop bands. Today my ads on 4chan are for a site that sells those kit kats, anime and lightsaber shaped chop sticks. I suppose they also cater their ads to the kind of people who usually frequent the site (and given that I go to school with a lot of 4channers, I can tell you, they have a one track mind).

That said, the UI is TERRIBLE on 4chan. I didn't mind it so much until my Interface Design class this year. Now I too am a UI snob.

So 4chan: When you get to the initial site there are letters across the top and bottom. The letters correspond to different themes. I don't really know any but b and x. From there, there will be a picture (possibly unrelated to the topic, or just to get your attention. To the right of that is the original topic being posted, and everything under that is a reply to that topic. It doesn't display every reply, so you can click "reply" and it will show them all.

Anything worth reading from /x/ has ended up elsewhere on the internet though. I just google stuff like "memorable /x/ topics" to avoid the crap.

12-27-2009, 06:21 PM
There was a hunter in the woods, who, after a long day hunting, was in the middle of an immense forest. It was getting dark, and having lost his bearings, he decided to head in one direction until he was clear of the increasingly oppressive foliage. After a what seemed like hours, he came across a cabin in a small clearing. Realizing how dark it had grown, he decided to see if he could stay there for the night. He approached, and found the door ajar. Nobody was inside. The hunter flopped down on the single bed, deciding to explain himself to the owner in the morning. As he looked around, he was suprised to see the walls adorned by many portraits, all painted in incredible detail. Without exception, they appeared to be staring down at him, their features twisted into looks of hatred. Staring back, he grew increasingly uncomfortable. Making a concerted effort to ignore the many hateful faces, he turned to face the wall, and exhausted, he fell into a restless sleep.

Face down in an unfamiliar bed, he turned blinking in unexpected sunlight. Looking up, he discovered that the cabin had no portraits, only windows.

Doc Faustus
12-27-2009, 06:39 PM
My favorite piece of Creepypasta seems to be a parody of the phenomenon. This is really fucking funny:

In a certain area of a city somewhere in Western Philadelphia is an area of flat concrete, the kind of place used as a basketball court or similar, near to a school building. If you wait in this area on the 10th September, you will eventually be approached by two youths with an aggressive demeanor about them. The youths will challenge you to a fight, which you must accept. Following the brawl, return to your home. It is important that you tell your mother of this incident. She will become perturbed by your tale, and order you to leave for an area of Los Angeles. You will be compelled to obey her. At the nearest taxi rank, whistle for a cab and one will approach. You may see that its license plate reads "FRESH", and there will be novelty dice dangling from the rear-view mirror. Do not be disturbed by the odor of the cab's interior, and speak only the words "Yo home, to Bel Air" to the driver. When you arrive in Los Angeles, which should be around the hours of over 9000:00 or 8:00 PM, you must speak again to the driver, this time saying "Yo home, smell ya' later". DO NOT LOOK BACK AS THE TAXI LEAVES. You will be dropped off at the entrance to a large mansion. Approach the door and knock three times. If you follow these instructions exactly, you will be allowed to claim your place as the Prince of this area of Los Angeles, known only as "Bel-Air". You will be led to a room with an enormous throne, encrusted with the largest diamonds and fashioned from the purest of gold. This throne is object 539 of 538. Sit on it, and ponder what to do next.

12-28-2009, 11:40 AM
My favorite piece of Creepypasta seems to be a parody of the phenomenon. This is really fucking funny:

In a certain area of a city somewhere in Western Philadelphia is an area of flat concrete, the kind of place used as a basketball court or similar, near to a school building. If you wait in this area on the 10th September, you will eventually be approached by two youths with an aggressive demeanor about them. The youths will challenge you to a fight, which you must accept. Following the brawl, return to your home. It is important that you tell your mother of this incident. She will become perturbed by your tale, and order you to leave for an area of Los Angeles. You will be compelled to obey her. At the nearest taxi rank, whistle for a cab and one will approach. You may see that its license plate reads "FRESH", and there will be novelty dice dangling from the rear-view mirror. Do not be disturbed by the odor of the cab's interior, and speak only the words "Yo home, to Bel Air" to the driver. When you arrive in Los Angeles, which should be around the hours of over 9000:00 or 8:00 PM, you must speak again to the driver, this time saying "Yo home, smell ya' later". DO NOT LOOK BACK AS THE TAXI LEAVES. You will be dropped off at the entrance to a large mansion. Approach the door and knock three times. If you follow these instructions exactly, you will be allowed to claim your place as the Prince of this area of Los Angeles, known only as "Bel-Air". You will be led to a room with an enormous throne, encrusted with the largest diamonds and fashioned from the purest of gold. This throne is object 539 of 538. Sit on it, and ponder what to do next.

Bahahahaha omg. That's amazing :D

12-28-2009, 01:36 PM
Ran across this one a few times now...sends chills down my spine every damn time I read it:

During the war a soldier faithfully wrote his mother every week so she would know he was all right, until one week she didn’t get a letter and immediately began to worry. Within a couple of weeks she got a letter from the Army saying that her son had been captured and was being held in a Prisoner-of-War camp, and they assured her that they had no reason to believe the American prisoners were being mistreated in any way. A few weeks later the woman finally received another letter from her son, it read: “Dear Mom, Try not to worry about me, they are treating us well and I’ll be released as soon as the war is over. Make sure that little Teddy gets the stamp for his collection. Love you, Joe” The woman was overjoyed to hear the news, but was confused because she had no idea who “little Teddy” was. She decided to steam the stamp from the envelope and have a look. When she did she saw that written on the back of the stamp were the words:

“They’ve cut off my legs”.

Doc Faustus
12-28-2009, 01:39 PM
That's a popular urban legend.

12-28-2009, 01:41 PM
That's a popular urban legend.

Yeah, I've heard it before - I just like how bluntly it's written here.

Doc Faustus
12-28-2009, 01:44 PM
Here's a piece I wrote a couple years ago that seems eerily similar in style to a lot of things on that page:

12-28-2009, 03:42 PM
Well Chrono you must be searching for hentai, cause I am under the impression that your ads are interest based.


That's not a good thing... This is my work computer... And they know how to trace cookies... :eek:


Thanks for the help with the UI. When I go into one of the forums I'm just overwhelmed by all of the posts and I'm not sure what I'm looking at, you know? It's like sensory overload, but not necessarily in a good way...

12-29-2009, 10:03 AM

That's not a good thing... This is my work computer... And they know how to trace cookies... :eek:


Thanks for the help with the UI. When I go into one of the forums I'm just overwhelmed by all of the posts and I'm not sure what I'm looking at, you know? It's like sensory overload, but not necessarily in a good way...

Haha I was just guessing that's how their ads work, because that's how most work, like google based ads. 4chan might just be "brought to you by" insert porn site here.

First dozen times I went on 4chan were really bad. I have friends who would just send me links to things they found on 4chan. I click away from that link and before I know it I've seen pictures of cats that were run over on the street, or likely underage naked girls and I'm afraid of what would happen if my laptop were ever seized by the police for any reason. So I don't go on /b/ anymore. hehe

01-01-2010, 09:28 AM
This thread is really great and makes me wish I knew how to navigate 4chan. :(

01-01-2010, 02:14 PM
This thread is really great and makes me wish I knew how to navigate 4chan. :(

It's OK. I STILL don't. lol

www.creepypasta.net keeps me occupied.

01-01-2010, 03:15 PM
"Carol was a young film student. She was recently engaged to a nice boy she had been dating for three years. She liked hanging out with her friends, going to the movies and listening to music. Really, she was quite typical for a girl her age.

Every once in a while, Carol liked to take her camera, drive out to her parents summer home in the woods, and film the wildlife. She entered the footage in wildlife photography and video competitions, hoping to make a name for herself.

One spring day, Carol loaded up her car with her camera equipment. She said told her roommate she would be back in a couple of days, and asked the roommate to feed her fish. She called her fiancé and let him know she would be at her parent’s summer home this weekend. She let him know her cell didn’t get signal out there, and that they didn’t keep a landline. She told him she would be out of touch for the entire weekend.

The drive up to the summer home was pleasant enough. She got there with no problems. Her parents were not due to the summer home for another couple weeks, so she had the place to herself. By the time she got unpacked, it was getting late so she went to bed deciding she would start shooting in the morning.

At sunrise the next morning, she gathered her camera equipment and went out to shoot some wildlife. It was a tiring but productive day. She got some great footage of an eagle catching a mouse. At one point she nodded off while waiting for a deer to come to a pond she knew the animals frequented. When she woke up, she found a pair of young deer drinking the water. She spent a little bit of time filming a humming bird darting from flower to flower. She caught footage of a huge rattlesnake resting on a rock. Then she took a long hike up a hill to try and catch some footage of fireflies lighting up a clearing.

By the time she got back to her parents summer home, it was just after dark. She had been lugging her equipment around all day and was very tired. She didn’t even bother showering. She just dropped her hat and camera on the chair next to her bed and passed out.

The next morning she was reviewing her footage on her laptop. The eagle was majestic. Probably some of her best work ever. She watched the footage of the deer. She thought they were very cute. Something in one of the deer shot caught her eye though. It was only there for a second. She thought she saw a very tall man with very pale skin in the bushes. It looked like he was watching her.

She rewound the footage, and looked again, this time in slow motion. She could certainly make out a figure, but she couldn’t tell if there was actually someone standing there, or if it was just a trick of light on some bushes.

Carol put the strange image out of her head and kept reviewing her footage. The humming bird footage didn’t come out well. The little guy was moving too fast, and the light was bad. The rattlesnake was cool though, even if it was a little boring. After she watched the bit with the fireflies, she was pretty sure she was going to win some kind of award. The natural lighting was just perfect. When the firefly footage cut off, she noticed that she still had one video file left to watch. Curious, she opened it. It was a video of her, sleeping in her bed. Her insides turned to ice when she noticed the reflection in her bedroom window. There was a very tall, naked, albino man with a scraggly gray beard wearing her hat and filming her sleeping. He was breathing heavily.

Carol slammed her computer shut, not wanting to see any more. The video stopped. The heavy breathing did not. "

01-02-2010, 11:22 AM
Carol slammed her computer shut, not wanting to see any more. The video stopped. The heavy breathing did not. "

Love that!

This creepy thread is great, I don't think I've been disappointed by any of these stories yet. That one about the pirate is just...*Shudder*

01-02-2010, 11:55 AM
It's OK. I STILL don't. lol

www.creepypasta.net keeps me occupied.

I kept away from it for fear of stumbling on child porn - if u stay clear of /b/ are safer?

01-02-2010, 12:01 PM
I kept away from it for fear of stumbling on child porn - if u stay clear of /b/ are safer?

When I went on /x/, the ads were for hentai and there were definitely some pics of women's nether-regions... At least it wasn't CHILD porn, but still. When I want to look at women's nether-regions, then I'll look for women's nether-regions...

I'm sure there was more interesting "paranormal" stuff but my snobby UI sensibilities get frustrated when I encounter a poorly-organized site. It's SO EASY to develop well-organized sites. Just no excuse anymore.


Ok, I'm going to try again...

01-02-2010, 12:49 PM
When I want to look at women's nether-regions, then I'll look for women's nether-regions...

You don't know how long I've waited to hear you say that.

01-03-2010, 02:31 AM
I must admit I do like some of their trolling like the Oprah show and them destroying that cat torturers life...

Have you seen this one where the killer whose poster the body location on 4chan before the actual police discovery.( i dunno how this could be faked)


This one was fake though (an hour or so after the event still pretty sick):


01-05-2010, 12:22 AM
@Ferox Worst thing I've ever seen on /b/ was of a guy who stole a skull from the catacombs, and upon pressure from /b/ anons he proceeded to skull fuck.. the skull. With pics. So bad.

In other news, I was watching Bleach online tonight, so I turned out the lights in my room just so I wouldn't get a migraine (happens when i watch videos sometimes). Then after I decided to check in on /x/ and found mention of some j-horror movie. I watched the trailer, but didn't even notice til half way through that my lights were off and now I'm paranoid.


EDIT: ugh, okay, I just made my first actual post on 4chan. Couldnt help it, someone didn't know the name of Eraserhead. He was describing every scene and didn't know it. oi

01-05-2010, 12:57 AM
So out of boredom I've been going way back on the /x/ boards and found a thread asking for people to post pics of the "slender man". Googled a bit and found out that it was a creature created on Something Aweful's forum in a thread where people made up mythical creatures.

Then I found these youtube videos about the Slenderman. Obviously fake, but really well done and scary. First one made me cry a bit.

massacre man
01-05-2010, 06:04 AM
I'm going to come back and read more in a bit. But somebody please use the idea of Skin-Taker for a movie or comic book. Please. Best villain ever.

massacre man
01-05-2010, 08:41 AM
I wanted to take a shot at one. I tried to type it like a news story on a blog about haunted locations, I might try to turn it into a short story or something later because I like the idea.

NOTE: The hotel in question has requested that I remove the title as the reputation would scare away business.

In a certain hotel guests who are wise to the inn's history tend to leave toys on the dressers of their rooms to assure their safety from the beings dubbed "The Smiling Ghosts." Two female ghosts, one a mother and one a young child, are said to visit the rooms of the sleeping at night. The ghost of the little girl is searching for new playthings while the mother has much more sinister intentions.

The mother, who was found in the room with her eyes gouged out wearing the dress she wore when she was married, had just moved into the hotel room with her daughter after a fight with her husband. She was described by her sister as "a truly hopeful soul who always searched for the silver lining and tried to find the humor in any situation. There was almost always a smile on her face."

The daughter was found hung in the closet wearing a yellow smiley face mask she asked for because it "reminded of her of her mother," the sister says. She was an average student in the first grade, well-behaved, good grades, not much to complain about. Gabriel Bailey, who was working behind the desk the night the two checked in, had this to say: "[The daughter] was crying when they first got here but it took the mom no time to cheer her up. She was jumping around the chairs in the lounge, talking to the other guests."

Not much has changed with the little girl, at night she still plays in the hallways, still wearing the smiley face mask. She goes into the rooms of guests and rummaged through their things looking for toys and clothes. She's been reported to wave at the guests who awake and see her searching in their bags.

The mother's ghost doesn't want toys, she wants her killer. Her eyes are gone but that is rarely the first thing visitor's notice, that is more often than not the gigantic, haunting smile plastered on her face for eternity as well as her long, flowing wedding dress now colored a dark blood red. Since she has no eyes and is unable to see the guests in the bed, she listens for the scream of her killer. To get the scream out she appears at the foot of the bed and blows her icy, chilling breath onto the feet of the guest and when they awake she rises up and frightens them into shouting.

Many suspect the husband to be the killer, though this couldn't be proven and the mother was stabbed with a knife from the hotel's kitchen, to which only employee's have access. People who leave toys out on their dressers for the little girl are said to be spared the visit from the mother, the toys are gone by morning every time. Nobody has been killed by these two, but one guest has gone missing and is still unheard from to this day. So if you're traveling make sure to leave a toy out to keep from being visited by the angry spirit.

01-06-2010, 07:00 PM
So out of boredom I've been going way back on the /x/ boards and found a thread asking for people to post pics of the "slender man". Googled a bit and found out that it was a creature created on Something Aweful's forum in a thread where people made up mythical creatures.

Then I found these youtube videos about the Slenderman. Obviously fake, but really well done and scary. First one made me cry a bit.

Veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery cool and creepy. Thanks for sharing. You should make your own pics!

01-07-2010, 11:57 AM
Veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery cool and creepy. Thanks for sharing. You should make your own pics!

I got my little (read 15 year old) brother into creepypasta recently. Most of my life I've been obsessed with horror movies, and have had morbid curiosities. My mom has been cool with that based on the understanding that I would not get my brother involved because she thought he would have nightmares. As a result, he's never really had any supernatural type dreams.

The past 2 nights he has told me about his nightmares and I am surprised at his imagination! I wish I had such scary dreams. 2 nights ago he had a pretty basic "Slenderman was in the back yard when I looked out my bedroom window" dream. I dubbed it as nothing special, but it shook him up so I felt kind of bad. Then last night I guess he had a dream where he was looking out his window again to check if Slenderman was there. He wasn't, but there was a "demon priest" (described as a clergyman who looked slightly zombified) flying around outside. He was in shock and couldn't look away, when suddenly the priest crashed into the window and was face to face with him, speaking in tongues. Poor kid.

In other news, I did have an idea for a creepypasta, but I'm not much of a writer so I might do a few sketches and see how that turns out, maybe make a short comic.

01-07-2010, 10:24 PM
I can't find my art thread. Oh well... here's a Slenderman.


01-08-2010, 04:55 AM
I got my little (read 15 year old) brother into creepypasta recently. Most of my life I've been obsessed with horror movies, and have had morbid curiosities. My mom has been cool with that based on the understanding that I would not get my brother involved because she thought he would have nightmares. As a result, he's never really had any supernatural type dreams.

The past 2 nights he has told me about his nightmares and I am surprised at his imagination! I wish I had such scary dreams. 2 nights ago he had a pretty basic "Slenderman was in the back yard when I looked out my bedroom window" dream. I dubbed it as nothing special, but it shook him up so I felt kind of bad. Then last night I guess he had a dream where he was looking out his window again to check if Slenderman was there. He wasn't, but there was a "demon priest" (described as a clergyman who looked slightly zombified) flying around outside. He was in shock and couldn't look away, when suddenly the priest crashed into the window and was face to face with him, speaking in tongues. Poor kid.

In other news, I did have an idea for a creepypasta, but I'm not much of a writer so I might do a few sketches and see how that turns out, maybe make a short comic.

Well I think the above is the beginning of a fantastic Creepypasta entry... Or just a good short story... The concept of a person obsessed with horror who never passed it along to their sibling but then the sibling starts to have dreams/visions that our protagonist wishes they had... Good construct for a creepy unreliable narrator. Good conflict too. Good supernatural elements. It's kinda Poe-ish in a way if you're really subtle about the jealousy.

01-27-2010, 08:26 PM
New Marble Hornets should be up any minute now. Yay!

Doc Faustus
01-27-2010, 08:41 PM
Well I think the above is the beginning of a fantastic Creepypasta entry... Or just a good short story... The concept of a person obsessed with horror who never passed it along to their sibling but then the sibling starts to have dreams/visions that our protagonist wishes they had... Good construct for a creepy unreliable narrator. Good conflict too. Good supernatural elements. It's kinda Poe-ish in a way if you're really subtle about the jealousy.

That is pretty interesting. Particularly if it goes into what the narrator goes through to get the nightmares they want.

01-27-2010, 08:42 PM
I love the idea, I'm just not a writer. Don't have the patience for it.

02-08-2010, 06:17 PM
Here's a thought, don't watch Marble Hornets while on cold meds. I know I'm probably the only person on here who has such wacky side-effects when taking decongestants but now I'm really scared and this is fucked up.

02-10-2010, 03:10 PM
New Marble Hornets should be up any minute now. Yay!

I... Have no idea what that means...

I'm obsessed with The Slender Man, though - Wish I had PhotoShop skills... Stupid question, but where's a good place to start to learn?

I love the idea, I'm just not a writer. Don't have the patience for it.

HA! Maybe I'll STEAL it.

02-11-2010, 06:43 AM
I... Have no idea what that means...

I'm obsessed with The Slender Man, though - Wish I had PhotoShop skills... Stupid question, but where's a good place to start to learn?

Marble Hornets is a youtube series about a few people on the set of a movie, and their experiences with the Slenderman. They update periodically.

As for Photoshop, I learned most of what I know self taught. Then I had a class about using photoshop to make website components. It was only semi-useful as it taught a few good ways to work with transparency, and layer masks. I have a book that went with that class, and it helped with some finer points of using the program, things like using guides, and rulers and stuff to make sure everything is aligned.

Try googling what you want to learn. There are a lot of good tutorials out there, and they teach step by step. All you really need to know before that is where things are in the UI.

HA! Maybe I'll STEAL it.
It was technically your idea. :p

02-11-2010, 07:47 AM
Here's a thought, don't watch Marble Hornets while on cold meds. I know I'm probably the only person on here who has such wacky side-effects when taking decongestants but now I'm really scared and this is fucked up.

No, alot of ppl have side effects, I know there are only a few over-the counter drugs I can take safely.
Some ppl don't even know it...I know someone that got really angry after taking meds for colds but didn't even realize it was a side affect.

I hope you are feeling better.

02-23-2010, 11:06 AM

Streaming Alien. I don't know the people in chat so discussion quality is questionable.

03-01-2010, 02:52 PM
I just found these narrated creepypastas on youtube. They are very well done and there are a bunch of them. Here is my favourite. http://www.youtube.com/user/theLittleFears#p/u/0/qX5aJgtoeqc

03-06-2010, 07:26 AM
I wish I could partake in this little horror story fest you're hosting, miss, but I'm too easily frightened to ever read anything from creepypasta or the likes. Even a simple screamer can give me nightmares for weeks. ='(

03-06-2010, 08:21 AM
I just found these narrated creepypastas on youtube. They are very well done and there are a bunch of them. Here is my favourite. http://www.youtube.com/user/theLittleFears#p/u/0/qX5aJgtoeqc

What fun, thanks for the link!

04-14-2010, 07:14 PM
Bad creepypasta from the pages of 4chan, because we can all use a laugh.


my personal favourite:
"A guy is at his house, making out with his girlfriend, when suddenly the phone rings. He answers it and a voice says 'TOUCH MY DAUGHTER AGAIN AND I'LL KILL YOU', and then the line goes dead. The guy asks his girlfriend about it and she says 'My dad's been dead for 10 years..'"

Once, there was a boy who loved to read. He read everything he could get his hands on, and loved going to his favorite book store. One day, the boy realized he had read everything the store had to offer. He confronted the owner, and asked him if he had anything the boy had never checked out. The owner said why, yes, I do, and pulled out a book called “Death”. He gladly sold it to the boy at a discounted price of $50. However, he warned the boy, never to read the front page.

Well, the boy returned to his house and read the book, and he was content. However, he always wondered, what could be on that front page, it was always in the back of his mind. One day, the temptation was too much for the boy, and he flipped to the very front of the book, and dropped the book in HORROR. There, in bold print, was MSRP $6.99.

04-15-2010, 01:50 PM
Those were awesome MM :)

04-15-2010, 02:20 PM
Love that last one. Made me laugh out loud.

massacre man
10-18-2010, 01:37 PM
You shouldn't have done that. (http://inuscreepystuff.blogspot.com/2010/09/majora.html)

nightmare_of _death
10-18-2010, 03:23 PM
You shouldn't have done that. (http://inuscreepystuff.blogspot.com/2010/09/majora.html)

Pretty creepy, I want more answers though.

I want to play Zelda now