View Full Version : "No Exit" my lastest movie

04-12-2008, 09:23 PM
Technically not a proper CMX Pictures project. I never even held the camera except to show them how to use it. This was a genre project for Video Production, where each group was given a genre, and had to do a 3-5 minute video with no dialogue. As a serendipitous treat, our group got horror. Not very horrific since we weren't taking it very seriously. HOWEVER!!!! For my Filmmaking final project I am re-making this. It's going to be a fleshed out version of the first portion of this movie shot on 16mm black & white film. Expect that one to be online in May. Feel free to wait if you want to watch what will be a better version of the movie.

04-12-2008, 09:36 PM
"No Exit" my lastest movie

So...is it more last, than the last one?

I'll wait for the full bit, link it when it's up.

04-12-2008, 09:40 PM
Well, it's the last movie I made, and it's my latest movie, so in a way, yes. And in another way, no. Both at the same time.

04-12-2008, 09:50 PM
I rather like it when some fella makes a film, and he says right, I made a film, you should have a look then, and I have a look s'abit of a chuckle, bit've a good watch and we're laughin' right on our way we are.
So when 'ere shindig is as good as it's gonna be, I'll take a peek, scratch the ol' chin, give it a wigglywag atcha, then we're in business, old son...;)

04-12-2008, 10:48 PM
hehe, the face of the girl at the end is great. It was interesting, not award winning or anything. Good job on it.

04-13-2008, 07:16 AM
Pretty cool short.

Though I must say that I was expecting something to do with Jean-Paul Sartre's brilliant surrealist play...oh well.