View Full Version : Getting to Know Me

12-17-2006, 07:51 AM
My first introductory post was a little spammy, talking mostly about Black Sun Productions. But, I want everyone here to get to know me as well. My name is Raymond Repass and I have been a horror fan for as long as I can remember. As a child my mother would read a series of books to me about various rabbits (the Serendipity series). My favorite book from that series was Buttermilk, the tale of a little bunny that went searching for his mother late at night. On his way he encountered all manners of monsters and creatures. Upon returning to those areas in the day, he discovered the monsters to be little more than everyday objects that his imagination had turned into frightening things. As time progressed, I discovered the classic gothic writers (Poe, Lovecraft, etc) as well as the modern masters of horror (Rice, King, Barker, etc). My earliest television memories are watching the Sunday creature feature and shows like monsters with my family. This love for the horror genre at first created a bit of a problem with my wife. However, she now finds herself enjoying movies like The Ring and Final Destination. Of course she will never be as large a horror fan as me, but at least she has warmed up to my tastes.

12-18-2006, 03:18 AM
yeah i saw the member list as i was parusing the other day and there was loads with like 1 or 2 posts and loads with none, like why join? so hope you stick around.

12-19-2006, 11:48 PM
i saw the member list as i was parusing the other day and there was loads with like 1 or 2 posts and loads with none, like why join?

To spam their shit.

Either that, or once they sober up they realise what they have done and try to put it behind them :D