View Full Version : Dead Waves

10-19-2006, 05:14 PM
Just watched Dead Waves, anybody see it?

10-20-2006, 10:14 AM
hummm, suicide club? I'm stopping at wal-mart tonight, I'll look for it. My step-son (he's 27 and just found out I'm going to ge a grandma at 43!) said a friend of his saw an asian movie where a guy finds his wife screwing around in bed and freaks out on them, said it was really gory, but couldn't remember the name. Any ideas?

I sorta liked Dead Waves, but like all these asian movies I seem to not get about 1/4 of it, which happens to be the 1/4 that would pull it all together.


(don't want Bob Payne to yell at me again)

What was the deal with the sound chick in the closet after she got possessed? I mean everyone else killed themselves right? I thought she was pretty creepy making that crazy sound like "ya ya yeee" or whatever she was doing! and I thought the make up was pretty good. I'll watch it again with the commentary if they have that as a feature, I don't remember.