View Full Version : Devil's Prey Review

02-03-2006, 05:56 PM
This is obviously one of the dumbest satanic cult/ ritualistic people movies i have ever seen. It works pretty well as a slasher, and, many people, infact most people will disagree completely, and totally hate this film. I judged it differently, because, being a b-movie, i wasn't expecting great acting or anything.

The film is about a couple young adults who get an anonymous invitation to a big rave out in the wilderness of (california, oregon, somewhere out in the hilly areas) and they go. The rave is there, and, its really big, in a barn and everything. However, when they leave, its really late and they hit this girl who is running across the street in terrorrrr (ooooh). They rescue her and they find out about this satanic cult that wants to sacrifice people to the devil or something... i'm not completely sure... it was just kinda... there for the sake of sacrificing them for fun... devilish nonsense. I think they wanted the girl because she was a virgin (how cliche) and her blood would make them immortal or some bullshit like that. But either way, the devil people end up ramming the teens car off the road down a hill, and of course its totaled. The people (when in full cult *uniform*, are a LITTLE eerie looking. It's been a while since i saw the film, i'm just trying to remember, I think it was somewhat like the killer from scream, only without the face melted looking, and with all black on their clothes. It's very corny, completely predictable, and, frankly, well... stupid. But its alright if you like seeing people get the rack torture, and, blazing, glowing swords slicing them. The main reason i would recommend this movie is the setting. If i remember right, it is completely isolated in the hilly region up north. A lot of it takes place in the woods in the dark, and there is an interesting scene in a very spooky town. The overrall film is shot nicely imo, and it captures the isolated, silent region very nicely. I would give this a rent if you can find it, or if its very cheap. I didnt really like it, but it was alright, so give it a watch.
