View Full Version : The Zombie Hunter's Bible

Raym Hensley
12-21-2005, 02:27 AM
Aloha! Ihope you guys like it ^_^

get it here (http://www.lulu.com/content/180179)

Hunters young & old have now relied on Raym C. Hensley’s THE ZOMBIE HUNTER’S BIBLE for vital information, ranging from killing a zombie, bathing a zombie, to eating a zombie when necessary.

Easy to understand, friendly and inspiring, THE ZOMBIE HUNTER’S BIBLE will empower you with all the knowledge you’ll need toward capturing – and understanding – the walking dead.

"Another weapon in humanity's arsenal against the evil undead!"
-Steph Dumais
Zombie Commandos From Hell!

"...A must-have for any serious zombie hunter."
-Hugo Pecos
The Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency

"Raym C. Hensley with his Zombie Hunter's Guide, has found a new use for the alphabet. An ethical and practical manual for survival in the great Zombie apocalypse.
Don't go to the Mall without it!"
-Tom Sullivan, www.darkageproductions.com
The Evil Dead

01-01-2006, 10:25 PM
Iv been meaning to pick that book up for awhile now..& i went to do it the other day but i got The Astounding B Monster insted...