View Full Version : Hello film makers!

07-28-2005, 02:22 PM
HI, im making a film and from my personal apinial its all about the planning and effects.
Im well into film making thats why ive joind horror.com
Listed to mr.s he knows all and sees all from what ive heard!
Im working my film with my cousins and sisters there kinda cool and since im the oldest i can boss em about!
Ive made my 1st film and hoping to make the sequal!
Its hard work and u need pations and effort!
good luck!!!!:D

07-29-2005, 01:11 AM
I voted 'ya' in the poll (even though I have no idea what it's about since I didn't see a question listed). If I don't understand someone in real life, I politely smile and nod. I think that's the equivilant here.
Welcome on. Go to the New Members section and introduce yourself first. Then we'll talk.

07-29-2005, 10:38 AM
so...you're 12 and you're the oldest in your little film making troupe?

07-29-2005, 12:12 PM
What is 'apinial' ?

07-29-2005, 04:28 PM
What is 'apinial' ?
It obviously means "without pinial preference" (ie asexual, atypical). However I'm at a loss for what the hell "pinial" is in any life, shape, or form.

08-01-2005, 09:08 AM
Small or no penis.