View Full Version : mr pyro maniac

03-10-2005, 05:36 PM
Everyday at seven o clock John wakes up to go to school. Today he woke up early, hungry. Leaving the bed wearing the clothes from the day before John left his room and headed twords the bathroom. The house was almost quiet except for conversation in the front of the house and snoring in the back. Here in the comfort of mildewed tile John deficated into a stained toilet bowl. Forgetting to brush his teeth John made his way to the kitchen smelling food, making out mumbled conversation about so so the bitch. John's mother and random guy number one where sitting at a table in the kitchen eatting the food that was just made. John wasn't considerd when the meal was prepared and he was hungry. John turned 180 back to his room to grab his bag and a pocket dragon. On his way there he peered into the room his mother occupied smelling before seeing what had happend the night before. The man on the bed was lying in a small pool of drool or vomit, most likely both. John left the house and made his way to the bus stop smoking a joint on the way.
When the bus pulled up John was greeted with a half smile by the bus driver who wanted money for the bag John had bought a week before. John knew and enterd the bus. All at once the kids on the bus hissed and booed. They spat and threw paper at John while one little boy tripped John in the isle. Not Fazed John took a seat near the rear of the vehical
John's buzz had faded and he was more hungry than ever. It felt like his stomach was going to cave in and a book just flew by his face.
Unzipping his red smoke stained back pack John removed his pocket dragon from his pants. Releasing gas from a tank in his bag John ignited his tourch.
Rushing the head of the bus John lit the children on fire taking two out at a time.
The kids screamed mostly dropping into a fetal position some ran about spreading flames to their peers. The bus driver had already stopped the bus and was attempting escape when John bludgend him in the back of his head with the gas tank in John's hands. The driver was out in his seat and John lit him as well.
Stepping off the bus John grabbed the chared hand of a small bruinett dragging her behind and off the bus. Sitting in the grass across from the bus with a smoldering girl beside him John feasted, but it wasn't a happy feast, John had forgotten his ketchup.

03-11-2005, 11:15 AM
nO! I wanna be on top

03-31-2005, 11:35 AM
Nice. :cool: